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他的虚荣是粗野和欺骗的。His vanity is boorish and fraudulent.

欺骗性的或两面派的手法。A fraudulent or duplicitous representation.

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在某些案例中,那些帮助可能具有欺诈性。In some cases, that help can be fraudulent.

其他欺骗性有奖销售行为。Any other fraudulent acts of sale with prizes attached.

以其他方式骗购外汇的。Fraudulent purchase of foreign exchange by other means.

他用诱骗伎俩获得了理科教师的职位。He got the job of science abecedary by fraudulent agency.

通过电子邮件送达的恳求也可能是场骗局。Solicitations that arrive by e-mail may also be fraudulent.

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而一个伪造证件的黑市也应运而生。A black market has sprung up in fraudulent letters of completion.

保罗使用欺骗的办法将他人的钱财占为己有。Paul used fraudulent means of expropriating other people's money.

第二部分,虚开增值税专用发票罪之虚开行为的研究。Part 2 research in the behaviors of fraudulent special VAT invoicing.

他们用欺骗性的投资级别评级营销他们的金融工具。They market their instruments with fraudulent investment grade ratings.

她因为安然税收欺诈案被判入狱1年。She served a year in jail for her role in a fraudulent Enron tax return.

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而广告商也只是对这些造假站点拒付广告款项。The advertisers just stopped making payments to the fraudulent Websites.

那些声称看起来完全被欺骗应该立即下台。Those whose claims look downright fraudulent should stand down immediately.

总统亚历山大卢卡申科的胜利被广泛批评存在欺诈行为。President Alexander Lukashenko's victory was widely criticised as fraudulent.

没有代理人和奸商相勾结的证据。There is no evidence that the broker was in league with the fraudulent vendor.

那些获得欺诈性贷款并失去他们房产的,是第三批受害者。Those who attained fraudulent loans and losttheir homes were the third losers.

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在美国,内幕交易是非法的,在某种程度上说仅仅在于它是场骗局。In the U.S., insider trading is illegal only to the extent that it is fraudulent.

这是欺诈性的计算。"This is fraudulent accounting, " said Melanie Coath, climate change officer at RSPB.

在各个不同的国家,也一直有很多科伊巴雪茄的欺骗性版本。There have also been a host of fraudulent versions of Cohiba made in various countries.