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就这种情况而言,看来他只好睡沙发了。He'll be sleeping on the sofa, according to Gawker.

包括Gawker在内的多家网都对此进行了报道。Websites including Gawker have reported on the site.

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这封信延续了哈德与高客之间的法律争斗。The letter continues a legal battle between Mr. Harder and Gawker.

上流阶级在Gawker提供的114067的名单中也赫然有名。The ruling classes appear to be well-represented among the 114, 067 names on a list provided to Gawker.

茱莉亚罗伯茨,左侧为她现实中的容貌,右侧则为她在欧莱雅广告中被修饰过的照片。Julia Roberts, as she appears in real lift, and, at right, in a retouched L'Oreal ad. Image courtesy of Gawker

Gawker戏剧性地写道,11.4万多名受害者“可能会收到大量的营销垃圾邮件和恶意黑客骚扰”。Gawker melodramatically wrote that the 114, 000-plus victims "could be vulnerable to spam marketing and malicious hacking."

自生活骇客以时政的名义出版以来,网站的功能确实帮助我扩大了读者群。Since Lifehacker is published under the Gawker umbrella, the power of the network really helped me grow the site’s audience.

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现在这个站点已经不能进入,但是佩林的邮件和照片依然可以在gawker.com看见。That site can no longer be accessed on the Web, but Palin's e-mails and photographs are still available online at

因此,韦斯基说,这种昙花一现的内容让我们着迷,Gawker之类的网站一天的内容就是这样而来的。As a result, Wasik says, we've become obsessed with the kind of one-hit wonders that make up a single day's grist for a site like Gawker.

一些媒体,包括彭博新闻和高科媒体,现在支付作者的部分根据有多少读者点击了他们的文章。Some media outlets, including Bloomberg News and Gawker Media, now pay writers based in part on how many readers click on their articles.

“有时有人会注意到作者们只是站在它面前,犹如原始人类站在巨石前一样,”高科传媒的创始人尼克.丹顿说。“Sometimes one sees writers just standing before it, like early hominids in front of a monolith,” said Nick Denton, Gawker Media’s founder.

在曼哈顿高科传媒的办公室,一台安装在墙上的纯平电视显示着高科网站上前十位最受关注的文章。At Gawker Media’s offices in Manhattan, a flat-screen television mounted on the wall displays the 10 most-viewed articles across all Gawker’s Web sites.

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作者的姓和页面浏览数,时间和全长都突出地实时显示在屏幕上,这在高科被叫做“大黑板”。The author's last name, along with the number of page views that hour and over all are prominently shown in real time on the screen, which Gawker has named the “big board.

闲话播客的看客指出这个网站有点太死板,如果你输入小丑演员作为你过去的工作,页面将返回错误信息,并说很抱歉无法找到相匹配的工作。Gossip blog Gawker points out that the website is a bit picky. If you type in rodeo clown as a past job, an error comes up and says sorry, could not find a career to match.

在儿童父母向谷歌公司投诉之后,Gawker报道,没有任何性色彩指控的Barksdale已经被解职,谷歌周二晚证实了这一举措。After parents of the children complained to Google, Gawker said Barksdale--who was not accused of anything with sexual overtones--was dismissed, and Google confirmed that move late Tuesday.

企鹅出版集团所属的伯克利图书公司和温弗瑞都成了媒体攻击的靶子,温弗瑞的节目更是被搞客网称为“撒谎者的俱乐部”。Now both Berkley Books, an imprint of Penguin Books, and Ms. Winfrey are faces on a media dartboard, with Ms. Winfrey dodging criticisms of what the media blog Gawker called her “liar’s club.”

这次攻击之后,几家不相关的网站,包括LinkedIn和Woot,均给他们的用户发送邮件提醒他们,如果他们所用密码与在Gawker上的密码一样,需要尽快修改。Following the attack several unrelated websites, including LinkedIn and Woot, sent e-mail to their users warning them to change their passwords if these were the same ones as they used for Gawker.

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“有时有人会注意到作者们只是站在它面前,犹如原始人类站在巨石前一样,”高科传媒的创始人尼克.丹顿说。“Sometimes one sees writers just standing before it, like early hominids in front of a monolith,” said Nick Denton, Gawker Media's founder. Mr. Denton said not all writers have warmed to the concept.