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首先,动作敏捷。First, move with alacrity.

她轻捷地一纵身向门口跳去。She sprang to the door with alacrity.

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他欣然接受我的邀请。He accepted my invitation with alacrity.

他以令人惊奇的喜爱任你在世上漂泊。He turns you adrift on the world with surprising alacrity.

汤米獾敏捷地挤进兔子洞里去。Tommy Brock squeezed himself into the rabbit hole with alacrity.

活泼开朗长舌妇,唠叨得烦人。The alacrity bright loquacious woman, loquacious get vexed person.

“我非常乐意,”他霍地跳了起来,大声答道。"I should be most happy, " he replied aloud, jumping up with alacrity.

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他把帽子挂在钉子上,一本正经地边忙边坐到他的座位上。He hung his hat on a peg and flung himself into his seat with business-like alacrity.

约翰的祖父虽然年近八十,但动作仍很敏捷。Although John´s grandfather was almost eighty years old, he still moved with alacrity.

我想我们现在可以顺当而且快速地下完这盘棋的最后几步。I think now the last remaining moves of the game can be played out with smoothness and alacrity.

他向剧毒之神发誓,将以卑劣剧毒猛烈打击你的意志。It strikes with the alacrity of the vilest viper, sapping your will with oaths to its venomous god.

弗拉基米尔·普京总统的批评者立马就抓住这个机会,把他描述成一个性情难测的,迷恋权术的自大狂。President Vladimir Putin's critics seized the moment with alacrity to portray him as a whimsical megalomaniac.

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看一下谷歌带着的热切希望请出游说者站在反托拉斯的立场上来挑战微软并购雅虎一案。Notice the alacrity with which Google unleashed its lobbyists to challenge Microsoft-Yahoo on antitrust grounds.

我具有双重性格,既有开朗活泼的一面,又有稳重内向的一面。I have the dual personality, current and bright side of the alacrity , and then have steady heavy introverted side.

凭着高超的写作技巧,奥斯汀把三个次要情节也写的活泼生动。By dint of superb writing technique, the aosiding is vivid the alacrity that three next in importance detailses also write.

但他们的灵敏也不容忽视,他们赶在了其他地方的人之前得到了做农民工的机会。Yet it owes more to the alacrity with which they, before any other community, seized on the opportunities of migrant labour.

阿尔努夫人建议我们去泛舟游河,玛格丽特和普律当丝高兴地接受了。Madame Arnould offered to arrange for us to take a boat out on the river, and Marguerite and Prudence accepted with alacrity.

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顺着声音,猫发现了躲在牛粪中的小鸟,非常敏捷地将它刨了出来,并将它给吃了!Following the sound, the cat discovered the small bird hiding in the cow muck, then it digged it out with alacrity and ate it!

在香港,裕景是少有的具有风格化的房地产开发商,有能力并乐于满足市场和消费者品味需求。An idiosyncrasy to the colossal developers of Hong Kong, Eton is able to respond with grate alacrity to markets and consumer tastes.

相比在中国,没有这样明显的争论,而中国政府笑对危机,目前的经济形式一片大好。No such doubts are evident in China, where the government reacted to the crisis with alacrity and the economy is now responding in kind.