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他投票支持革新派的候选人。He cast his vote for the reformist candidate.

作为主导面,郑观应是民族资本家和改良主义者。The dominant hand, Cheng view should be the national capitalists and reformist.

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尽管如此,自由派人士仍因为对习父曾是位改革派而大受鼓励。Some liberals, nonetheless, are encouraged by his father's reformist credentials.

但是得票位居第三的改革派教士迈赫迪·卡鲁比对这个结果提出挑战。But third-place finisher Mehdi Karroubi, a reformist cleric, challenged that result.

康有为既为资产阶级改良派领导人,亦是“诗界革命”派诗人。Kang Youwei is the bourgeoisie reformist leader, also a poet of "the poem revolution".

就连改革派的代表人物内维斯本人都不能做到允许自己管辖的州内存在言论自由。Even the reformist Mr Neves has trouble tolerating an unfettered press in his home state.

康有为的学生梁启超协助撰写文章,宣传变法思想。Liang, once a student of Kang's, helped Kang by writing articles propagating reformist ideas.

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因此,改良派对革命派的这种说法给予驳斥和批判。Therefore, the reformist faction of the revolution to give this argument refuted and criticized.

肖伯纳深受一个名为费边社的英国改革团体的影响。A strong influence was exercised on Shaw by the Fabian society the English reformist organization.

一些从自民党中分裂出来的改革派团体也许会抓住这一机会,以便扩散自身影响力。Some of the reformist groups that have splintered from the LDP might spot a chance to wield influence.

但是在2000年的时候,改革派的总统瓦希德废除了许多带有歧视性的法律。But in 2000, Abdurrahman Wahid, a reformist president, scrapped much of the discriminatory legislation.

梁启超的改良主义经济思想对近代中国社会变迁影响重大。Liang Qichao's reformist economic ideology has a great influence on the social changes of modern China.

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在中国近代早期改良思想家当中,洪仁玕与容闳是有代表性的人物。Of the early modern Chinese reformist thinkers, Hong Rengan and Rong Hong were two representative figures.

达鲁尔阿曼宫建于20世纪20年代,作为改革派国王阿马努拉汗现代化建设的一部分。Darul Aman was built during the 1920s as a part of the reformist King Amanullah Khan's modernization drive.

这确实让人震惊,中产阶级只用了二十年就从改革者蜕变成了反动派。This shift from a reformist middle class to a reactionary one over a mere two decades should be surprising.

东德政府残存的权力掌握在来自德累斯顿的改革派政治家莫德罗手中。What power remained in East German government was in the hands of Hans Modrow, a reformist politician from Dresden.

以此同时,之前大有改革之势的民主党领导人小泽一郎现在看来和一个老派的自民党领导人没什么区别。Meanwhile, the DPJ’s leader, Ichiro Ozawa, who used to have a reformist streak, now sounds like an old-style LDP boss.

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在从南京到北京的火车上,他会见了改革派胡耀邦,关于中国的发展政策进行了座谈。On a train ride from Nanjing to Beijing, he met with reformist Hu Yaobang, who talked about China’s evolving policies.

马启西和西道堂在施行宗教仪式中吸收了马明心的宗教改革思想。Ma Qixi and Xidaotang carried out religious rites using lessons absorbed from Ma Mingxin's religious reformist thought.

近代以来,中国早期改良派在对西方国家政治形态的观察中,形成了对共和制度的初步认识。From 1840, Chinese reformist formed the cognition about republicanism during their observation of western political systems.