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我们没有用巴士接走任何人。We’re not busing anybody out.

收拾餐桌这份工作十分累人。Busing tables was grueling work.

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要么忙着生存,要么赶着去死。Get busing living, or get busing dying.

因此,他利用了白人对街头黑人犯罪的恐惧。So he exploited white fears of black street crime and forced busing.

最高法院一致判定了用校车接送学区外学生上学的政策,以平衡学校学生种族比例。The Supreme Court unanimously upheld busing to achieve racial balance.

研究公交车竞争方案的数学模型。The mathematical model of the project for busing competition is studied.

餐馆用的那种大个托盘非常好用,而且随便哪个餐馆里都能搞到。A large restaurant busing tray is great and is readily available from any restaurant supply.

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达沃斯会议结束了,会展中心又在忙着为服装节布展。The Summer Davos Forum is over. The Huizhan Center is now busing with the International Clothes Festival.

他也曾在坚持保护民权的同时,反对用校车运送学生的方式实现学校种族融合。He also opposed busing to achieve racial integration of schools while underlining his commitment to civil rights.

政府用校车接送学童,目的是在公立学校里保持种族平衡,特别是在种族隔离的地区。The government is using busing in an attempt to achieve racial balance in public schools, especially in racially segregated areas.

学校祷告制度的废除和校车接送制度的确立助长了依赖于民粹主义和怨恨不满情绪的保守主义运动。The abolition of school prayer and the imposition of school busing fuelled a conservative movement that fed on populism and resentment.

我们担心过敏、提出特殊要求、要求更多面包、毫无遮拦地说服务生的消费问题。We warn about allergies, make special requests, ask for more bread, and talk openly about their tip while they're busing the table next to us.

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欧文承认在经济条件较差的学校和公立学校可能有更多的障碍需要克服,包括校车时间安排,父母工作时间和年幼的兄弟姊妹的日间照料问题。Owens acknowledged that there might be more hurdles to overcome at poorer, public schools, including busing schedules, parents' work hours and daycare for younger siblings.