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一个在墓园里的小丑。A clown in a cemetery.

他被选为班里的活宝。He was voted class clown.

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那小丑真叫我笑死了。That clown just slays me.

那个小丑开着一架玩具车。The clown drove a toy car.

他将去小丑学校上学。He will go to clown school.

小丑把孩子们逗乐了。The clown tickled the kids.

他看着就像小丑Bozo。He looks like Bozo the clown.

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难道他看起来像杰杰小丑?…Does he look like JJ the clown?

这个小猴正在模仿小丑Yura呢。A monkey is parodying clown Yura.

扯线的木偶拉着会跳舞的小丑。Pull puppets pull can dance clown.

Ed家里面的每一个人都是小丑。Everyone in Ed’s family is a clown.

曾使古代的帝王和村夫喜悦。In ancient days by emperor and clown

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早上好,海葵和小丑鱼。Good day, sea anemone and clown fish.

在学校他总是班上的开心果。He was always the class clown in school.

就像小丑鱼和海葵那样。Like the clown fish and the sea anemone.

接待人是一个非常可爱的小丑。Reception people is a very lovely clown.

小丑,丑角小丑,尤指表演的丑角。A buffoon, especially a performing clown.

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像个丑角的脸上可怜的双眼。Like the sad eyes on the face of a clown.

那个小丑以夸张的动作在马戏场中走动。The clown flounced about the circus ring.

小丑上场表演许多滑稽动作。The clown came on with many antic gestures.