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快乐是身在福中知道福。Happiness is being contented.

他是个容易满足的残疾人。He is an easily contented perso.

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他对他的工作感到满足。He contented himself with his job.

我觉得比以前快了多了也心安多了。I feel happier and more contented.

富有的人总是不知足。The rich are not always contented.

满足骄傲的打发着闲散的时光!A contented pride Lazes the day away!

我吃了晚饭,一身精疲力竭,感到的是满足。I ate supper, exhausted and contented.

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他也同样满足于他的啤酒池中。He was so contented with his beer pool.

那时候他作为一个谦卑的乡村和尚,生活惬意。He was contented as a humble village monk.

难道我们不能长久地相悦吗?That we should not long be here contented ?

只要家庭幸福,我就满足。Want domestic happiness only, I am contented.

那婴儿舒适地嘬着奶瓶。The baby sucked away at its bottle contented ly.

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对于过着令人满足的生活,你的人生哲学是什么?What is your philosophy to live a contented life?

你觉得生活很幸福,你很满足You are Happy with your Life and you are Contented

满足管理员与用户的需求。Contented intendant and the demand of the consumer.

切勿贪意外之财,知足者人心常乐。Not because of the windfall, contented people changle.

保持乐观、知足长乐的良好心态。Sixth, to be optimistic, and contented good mentality.

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一个既不用借债又不用奉承人的人,可以称得上心满足足。He may well be contented who need neither borrow nor flatter.

资产阶级只不过是人民中得到满足的那一部分人。The bourgeoisie is simply the contented portion of the people.

威尼尔露出满足的微笑说,“我已经吃饱了。”" Weinier shows contented smile to say, "I am already satiate.