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窝器内有三叉神经节的神经纤维。The pit organ contains nerve fibres known as trigeminal ganglia.

目的探讨邻关节骨囊肿的影像学诊断。Objective To study the imaging diagnosis of intraosseous ganglia.

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原位背根神经节只位于每个生骨节的前半个,其数量和排列完全依赖于原位生骨节。So did the dorsal root ganglia in situ as the sclerotome in situ.

因此你的抗体错误地把基底节当成链球菌来攻击。So the antibodies mistake the basal ganglia for strep and attack.

部分初级传入神经元位于迷走神经结状节内。Some primary afferent neurons were presented in the nodose ganglia.

这些神经节主要分布在心外膜下,以及冠状沟内。These ganglia mainly lie under the epicardium and in coronary sulcus.

CT上表现为基底核区局限性点状钙化。The CT scan showed localized punctuate calcification in basal ganglia.

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结论高频刺激PF可以减少基底神经节输出核团EP神经元的活动。Conclusion DBS on PF can reduce the overactivity of EP in the basal ganglia.

在其他自主神经节的两性差异的证据也有报道。Evidence for dimorphisms in other autonomic ganglia has also been presented.

PET显示模型侧基底核区低代谢,与术前相比明显不同。PET showed the low metabolism in the basal ganglia region of the injected side.

目的探讨神经根受压后对背根神经节的影响。Objective To investigate the effects of nerve root compression on dorsal root ganglia.

目的研究基底神经节损害所致汉语失写症的特点。Objective To study the clinical features of Chinese agraphia caused by basal ganglia damage.

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执行功能障碍可能与额叶、基底节异常有关。The executive dysfunction may be related to the abnormality of frontal lobe and basal ganglia.

用鸡胚背根培养法证明其具有刺激神经生长的作用。Using chicken embryo dorsal root ganglia assay, the biological activity of NGF was determined.

腹交感神经系统由位于腹神经索各神经节上的横神经组成。The ventral sympathetic nervous system was composed of transverse nerves connected with ganglia.

颈静脉节和结状节的标记细胞数量比脊神经节的少。Neurons in the jugular ganglia and the nodose ganglia were fewer than those in the spinal ganglia.

目的提高对椎管外神经根鞘膜瘤与腰骶神经节异位的临床诊断水平。Objective To improve the clinical diagnosis extraspinal neurilemmoma and ectopic lumbosacral ganglia.

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基底节区、侧脑是老年高血压性脑梗塞多发部位。The basal ganglia and the lateral brain are the loci where most of infarcts occur in senile patients.

支配脑血管的交感神经起源于颈交感神经节。The sympathetic nerve distributing cerebral vessels originates from the cervical sympathetic ganglia.

目的为肾丛、主动脉肾节的研究提供形态学基础。Objective To supply the morphological basis for the research of renal plexus and aorticorenal ganglia.