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你没拿到塞拉?。You Don't have Scylla?

林肯告诉莎拉自己定会找到“锡拉”。Lincoln tells her that he will find Scylla.

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赛尔夫拿回了“锡拉”,举枪对准了迈克尔。Self takes Scylla back and aims his gun at Michael.

手术的代价是把锡拉完璧归赵。The price of operation is the safe return of Scylla.

格雷琴和赛尔夫与威肯会面,准备出售“锡拉”。Gretchen and Agent Self meet with Vikan to sell Scylla.

她问赛尔夫为何不看看“锡拉”内有些什么内容。She asks Self why he hasn't looked at the info on Scylla.

赛尔夫询问翠珊是否有另一个买家想买“锡拉”。Self asks Trishanne if there were other buyers for Scylla.

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迈阿密的众人追踪到一个出乎意料的锡拉买家。The crew in Miami tracks Scylla to a surprising new buyer.

忽然,怀亚特出现射倒了威斯勒,拿走了“锡拉”。Suddenly, Whistler is shot by Wyatt, who takes the Scylla card.

克里斯蒂娜走近小室,要求知道为何他们不能连通“锡拉”。Christina enters and demands to know why they can't access Scylla.

他打开了“锡拉”上的文件,一个词“BARGAIN”显现了。He pulls up the information on Scylla. The word "BARGAIN" appears.

迈克尔一伙带着“锡拉”从地下室上到“将军”的办公室。The gang emerges from underground with Scylla to Pad Man's office.

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他的同伴背叛了他,致使他腹背受敌。He was between Scylla and Charybdis, for his company had betrayed him.

“锡拉”其实是六张卡,由六个不同的持卡人持有。Scylla is actually made up of six cards being held by different people.

同时,“将军”与塔克斯宏会面,要他交待谁拿着“锡拉”。Meanwhile, General Krantz meets with Tuxhorn and demands to know who has Scylla.

迈可醒了过来,告诉莎拉,其实“锡拉”是无限太阳能够的关键性文件。Michael wakes up and tells Sara that Scylla is the key to limitless solar energy.

赛尔夫命令格雷琴快点帮他卖出“锡拉”,他必须在今晚上飞机出国。Self orders Gretchen to sell Scylla and have him on a plane by the end of the day.

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将军接报称锡拉房间中的警报拉响,他脸色大变,他在电脑上输入了一个密码立马就见到监控视频中迈克站在房间中。Pad Man receives a phone calls saying that the alarm in the Scylla room just went off.

莎拉带着林肯和本杰明去医院,迈可带着“锡拉”去交给凯勒曼。Sara takes Linc and C-Note to the hospital while Michael delivers Scylla to Kellerman.

杰弗逊先生未看出他的论点会使自己处于左右为难的境地。Mr Jefferson does not see that his argument will bring him between Scylla and Charybdis.