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那不勒斯的音乐。Napolitana, the music of Napoli.

我再次重申我希望能够留在那不勒斯。I reiterate that my wish is to remain at Napoli.

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那不勒斯跟拉齐奥正在追逐这名中锋。Napoli and Lazio are chasing the centre-forward.

那不勒斯将会是卡瓦尼的重点,而非跳板。Napoli is an end point and not a springboard for Cavani.

尤文都是在点球大战中击败了红黑军团和东道主那不勒斯。They beat both the Rossoneri and hosts Napoli on penalties.

例如,现在那不勒斯也正在硬撬高科汉·因勒。For instance, right now Napoli are pushing hard for Gokhan Inler.

里皮应邀从那波利来到都灵执掌教鞭。Lippi was brought from Napoli to Turin to aid in the turn around.

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意甲16轮周六率先进行的比赛,博洛尼亚和那不勒斯都赢了球。In the anticipated matches of the 16th matchday Bologna and Napoli win.

尤文与那不勒斯的对抗,是我所拥有的关于他的最美好回忆。The best memory I have of his was the rivalry between Juventus and Napoli.

本周周中米兰将在主场面对乌迪内斯,雄心勃勃的那不勒斯要客场访问切沃。Milan face Udinese at home in midweek while high-flying Napoli visit Chievo

那不勒斯在贝尔加莫以1比3负于亚特兰大,在榜首竞争中落在了后面。Napoli fell behind in the title race with a 3-1 loss to Atalanta in Bergamo.

那不勒斯很好的利用了反击,但在上半场我们有所控制。Napoli takes advantage of the counter attacks and in the first half we controlled.

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文森佐蒙特拉后悔没能穿上那不勒斯的球衣。Vincenzo Montella has rued never being able to pull on the Azzurri shirt of Napoli.

老妇人将在下个星期迎战那不勒斯之间迎来阿尔比诺勒菲。The Old Lady's next encounter is against Albinoleffe before facing Napoli next week.

热那亚在费拉里斯球场4-1击败那不勒斯,继续着他们赛季开始以来的良好状态。Genoa beat Napoli 4-1 at Stadio Ferraris to maintain their perfect start to the season.

我百分百地说内尔森将是对阵那不勒斯比赛时的首发门将。I have no problem to say that Nelson will be the goalkeeper in the game against Napoli.

而莫利纳罗将不会跟着德切列加盟那不勒斯。It then goes on to say that Molinaro will not be following the young left-back to Napoli.

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古迪逊遭遇惨痛失利的红军又开拔了,他们将远赴意大利,于周四晚迎战那不勒斯。Liverpool resume Europa League duties with a trip to Italy to take on Napoli on Thursday.

那不勒斯在1976年以4-1的总成绩击败南安普顿赢得安格罗-意大利杯。Napoli won the Anglo-Italian Cup in 1976 when they defeated Southampton 4-1 on aggregate.

恩波利将寻求和罗马共同拥有蒙特拉,以此来解决蒙特拉巨额的工资问题。Napoli will seek co-operation from Roma in covering a percentage of Montella's huge wages.