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安排由保罗巴克马斯特。Arranged by Paul Buckmaster.

这件事好办。That can be easily arranged.

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所有的事都铺排得停停当当。Everything was well arranged.

我们的婚姻是包办的。Ours was an arranged marriage.

这份名单是按年龄顺序排列的。The list is arranged in years.

他们的婚姻是包办的。Their marriage is arranged one.

尤伯罗斯安排了这一切。Ueberroth arranged the showing.

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报名后将安排试唱。Audition will be arranged later.

一切都事先料理好了。It had been arranged beforehand.

节目单已排好了。The programme has been arranged.

配合完成线长安排的其他工作。Other jobs arranged by line leader.

她把花瓶里的花插好了。She arranged the flowers in a vase.

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朋友安排见了开摄像店的吴先生。A friend arranged a meeting with Mr.

我把书架上的书籍整理好。I arranged the books on the shelves.

他们安排了一次义演音乐会。They arranged for a benefit concert.

许多婚姻还是父母之命,媒妁之言。In Egypt, many marriages are arranged.

这是经过精细巧妙安排的。It was arranged carefully and nattily.

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餐馆内是布置成迪吧式的。The restaurant is arranged Diba style.

我们安排好了由他举行一次演奏会。We arranged for him to give a concert.

名单排列不分先后。The list is arranged in a random order.