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词不用就会成为废词。Words fall off by disuse.

汤匙因弃置不用而生锈了。The spoon has been rusty from disuse.

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让人高兴的是,它已经被淘汰了。Thankfully, they've fallen into disuse.

有一个荒废的园圃。There is a garden ground falling into disuse.

这条渠荒废了。This irrigation canal has fallen into disuse.

房间里有一股长期不用和霉烂书籍的味道。The room smelt of disuse and mouldering books.

长长的一天工作结束了,她的身体因长时间不动而僵硬。It is the end of a long work day, and her body is stiff with disuse.

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却是由于孤独与废弃所导致的衰弱,而这正是它凄惨的特色。Its deplorable peculiarity was, that it was the faintness of solitude and disuse.

确定为外伤后斜方肌失用性萎缩所致翼状肩胛。Winging scapula secondary to traumatic trapezius muscle disuse atrophy was diagnosed.

任何让开发构件尘封的公司无疑都在浪费自己的资金。Any company that permits development artifacts to fall into disuse is simply wasting money.

它的废毁是在晚清民国时期,今天大多已沦为荒城。However, they fell into disuse in the late Qing and Republican period and are now in ruins.

当我们沿着一条旧铁路骑行时,我问陶,这条铁路是什么时候废弃不用的。As we pedalled along an old railway track, I asked Tao when the line had fallen into disuse.

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其中有一些,例如英语,如今仍在使用,但是大多数已经逐渐不为人知了。Some, such as the one you are reading now, have remained inuse, but most have fallen into disuse.

连接中国和世界的丝绸之路和海上丝绸之路逐渐被废弃。The Silk Road and the Maritime Silk Route, which had linked China to the world, lapsed into disuse.

因此,英语成了穷人的语言,由于不被使用而变的越来越简单。Therefore, English became the language of the poor and more and more simplified as a result of disuse.

正如沙希地语成为了更有统治地位的方言一样,大多数的这些方言也陷入了废弃中。Eventually most of these dialects fell into disuse as the uniform Sahidic became the more dominant again.

随着我们渐渐的习惯于以来印刷纸质,记忆的工艺渐渐被废弃了。As we became accustomed to relying on the printed page, the work of remembering gradually fell into disuse.

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但外伤造成单纯斜方肌失用性萎缩而导致翼状肩胛更为罕见,但预后甚佳。Winging scapula due to disuse atrophy of the traumatic trapezius muscle is rare, but the prognosis is good.

由于通货膨胀如脱缰野马,货币大幅贬值,印有他们肖像的纪念邮票逐渐废弃不用。Commemorative stamps bearing their images fell into disuse as runaway inflation ravaged the seven-kopeck face value.

防止并发症的出现,避免了废用综合征和误用综合征,提高生活自理能力和生活质量。Complication was prevented, disuse syntrome and misapply syntrome were avoided, life ability and quality was improved.