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我们都帮忙收割。We all helped the harvest.

稻花香里说丰年。Harvest year in rice flower.

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丰收在望。A bumper harvest is in sight.

秋是收获的季节。Autumn is the harvest season.

收获期间下雨了。It rained during the harvest.

秋是收获的季节。Autumn is a season of harvest.

收获节或五旬节。Feast of Harvest or Pentecost.

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岁岁有收获的果实。There is a harvest every year.

今天我们开始收割牧草。Today we begin the hay harvest.

我去了嘉禾影院。I went to Golden Harvest Cinema.

是十年才会遇到一次的好收成。It was a one in 10-year harvest.

不必然每一粒种子都能结果实。Not all seed produces a harvest.

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秋收之后,我们把粮食储存起来。After harvest we store the grain.

对放债者来说是收获的季节。Harvest time for the moneylenders.

切割是平茬、收获的关键环节。The cutting is the key to harvest.

这天气预兆着有好收成。The weather promts a good harvest.

丰收有望。There is hope of a bumper harvest.

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欢迎光临家贺屋刺身寿司专门店!Welcome to the Harvest House Sushi!

我们取得了一连串的大丰收。We’ve got a series of good harvest.

闪着红色火焰的月亮,收获的月亮The flame-red moon, the harvest moon