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有一个正确的人生观世界观。I have correct philosophy and weltanschauung.

欧洲人的世界观前所未有地拓宽了。The weltanschauung of European man was ever broadening out.

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我们需要一个新的人生观,我们怎麽想,我们就会看到那个现象。We need a new Weltanschauung. What we think we see that phenominum.

全面负责推广集团企业文化和企业价值观。Totally in charge of speeding up the organizational culture and weltanschauung.

可以在此期间初步形成自己的人生观和世界观。During the life of university you can develop your philosophy and Weltanschauung.

理论化的世界观与人的现实的世界观是不同的。The theorized weltanschauung is different from people's realistic weltanschauung.

在此基础之上,本文也试探性地对世界观概念从哲学历史的角度做一般性的考查。As this a foundation, my essay also provide a preparatory research on the concept of Weltanschauung.

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分形是对欧几里德几何体系的拓展和深化,其本质却是一种新的世界观和方法论。Fractal Geometry is an expanding and deepening system of Euclidean geometry and essentially a new Weltanschauung and methodology.

科学发展观是指导发展的世界观和方法论的集中体现。Science Development Outlooks is the combined embodiment of the Weltanschauung and methodology which are used to guide development.

显而易见的,这样一种世界观,或如他们所说的,这样一种人生观,暗含着各种奇形怪状的思想,是完全罄笔难书。It is clear that the number of thoughts implicit in such a world view, such a " Weltanschauung" as they say, is utterly incalculable.

在现象学方面和文化人类学方面尤以海德格尔和舍勒为代表。The post-Dilthey German philosophy is in the breath of Weltanschauung deeply, and Heidegger and Scheler are enormous representatives.

哲学是系统化、理论化的世界观,人的现实世界观则是人的一种心理倾向。Philosophy is a kind of systematic and theoretical weltanschauung. People's realistic weltanschauung is one kind of mental disposition.

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哲学作为知识形态的世界观,可以在教育过程中传授,但人的真实的世界观的形成必须在实践中完成。As a knowledge form, Philosophy can be imparted in the process of education. But people's realistic weltanschauung must be completed in practice.

刑法方法论与世界观相联系,一般地属于法理学研究的内容。However, the methodology of criminal law is related to the Weltanschauung and therefore only belongs to the field of general jurisprudence studies.

世界观问题是一百多年来西方哲学的重要话题之一。It is obvious that the issue of Weltanschauung has been becoming one of the most important subjects in western philosophy for more than hundred years.

而他又由于强烈的历史意识的驱使,在精神史研究过程中自然地走向了一种世界观学说的构建。Furthermore propelled by intense historical consciousness, Dilthey tended to construct a doctrine of Weltanschauung during researching the history of thought naturally.

复杂性具有全新的思维方式和世界观,它将看作是一个演化着的非线性复杂系统,分形是企业系统的一个特性。Complex science has its new thinking manner and Weltanschauung. It considers enterprise as a nonlinear complex system. Fractality is a characteristic of enterprise system.

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为此,青年干部必须树立正确的世界观、人生观,加强理论素养,在实践中经受考验和锻炼,并尽快成长起来。Therefor , young cadres must build up a correct Weltanschauung and philosophy , strengthen exoterica accomplishment, endure test and training in exercise, and be mature as soon as.

本文在简述这两者的哲学中的世界观因素的基础上,也试图在说明其与狄尔泰的世界观学说的关联方面做出些尝试。As expounded on the Weltanschauung ingredient of their philosophy briefly, the attempt of explanation of relations between Dilthey's doctrine of Weltanschauung and them is also made.

狄尔泰认为,世界观能够反映人类灵魂的基本结构,而个人的性格、气质等心理因素则能影响自身在世界观上的倾向。As Dilthey claimed that basic structure of soul can be reflected by a Weltanschauung, and individual psycho factors as character and mental could influence tendency of Weltanschauung.