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鸡汤,蛤肉浓汤。Chicken vegetable or clam chowder.

忌廉蘑菇汤和蛤蛎浓汤。Cream of mushroom and clam chowder.

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第一次吃了这么多碗的杂烩。The first of countless bowls of chowder.

你喜欢杂脍,还是鸡肉面汤?Would you like chowder or chicken noodle?

如果快乐的查里选择干酪海鲜汤了。If cheerful Charlie chose a cheesy chowder.

快乐的查里选择干酪海鲜汤了吗?Did cheerful Charlie choose a cheesy chowder?

再给我蚶汤和一杯加牛奶的咖啡。Also give me clam chowder and a cup of coffee with milk.

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这座小镇标榜拥有世上最棒的蛤蛎海鲜浓汤。This small town boasts the best clam chowder in the world.

爸爸说,可能是我们的祖先发明了这种海鲜杂烩浓汤吧。My father says that our early ancestors may have invented chowder.

另外,再给我周打蚬汤和一杯加牛奶的…It's all right , Also give me clam chowder and a cup of coffee with milk.

如果你所得到的全是螃蟹,螃蟹,螃蟹的话,那么你一定在马里兰州。Or crab chowder. If all you get is crabs, crabs, crabs, you must be in Maryland.

她是一名技艺高超的厨师,她每个周日晚上都要做蛤俐杂烩汤,还有玉米面包。She was a great cook. She would make clam chowder and cornbread every Sunday night.

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有一天,DJ的朋友巧达无意间把他的篮球丢到那个老头的草坪上。One day, DJ's friend Chowder accidentally throws his basketball over on the man's lawn.

配搭新英格兰式的玉米鳕鱼杂烩或麦片玉米粽子。Best paired with New England style corn-and-cod chowder or Portobello and polenta tamales.

它的口味和样子与新英格兰的蛤杂烩惊人地相似,也是放在面包“碗”中。It is uncannily similar in taste and look to New England clam chowder served in bread bowls.

抱歉让你久等了,清汤、新英格兰肉羹和一些饼干。Sorry to have kept you waiting. Consomme, and New England clam chowder. Some crackers, please.

汤可分为煲、滚、炖及羹四种做法,其中以炖汤被视为最滋补。Soup or chowder is usually simmered, parboiled or stewed and stewed soup is the most nutritious.

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“这样的话,阁下”我们的服务生说“我个人建议这位女士不要在这里点蛤肉杂碎羹。”"In that case, sir, " our waiter says, "may I advise against the lady, here, eating the clam chowder."

这里有在中国少见的费城牛排三明治、新泽西炸热狗、新英格兰蛤蜊汤等。Our Philly Cheese Steak Sandwiches, New Jersey Fried Hot Dogs, and New England Clam Chowder are rare finds in China.

法国的汤分为很多种最著名的有牛肉清汤,法式局洋葱汤,蔬菜浓汤,奶油汤,海鲜汤。Among many French soup, the bouillon, French onion soup, vegetable, butter soup and chowder are the most famous ones.