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苗苗,好老婆,老公永远爱你!Miaomiao, goodwife , I love you for ever, from your dear.

看到它们,女主人不自觉地孩子气地笑了。See them, goodwife laughed childishly not self-consciously.

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女主人请闻名男高音歌唱家斯米尔唱一首抒情歌曲。Goodwife asks famous tenor singer Simier sings a lyric song.

在设计风格上充分体现女主人的高雅脱俗。What reflect goodwife adequately on design style is decorous and free from vulgarity.

其圆弧形的踏步,是女主人最为自得之处。The footfall of form of its circular arc, it is the place with most complacent goodwife.

本案是一个复式别墅,男主人是知名律师,女主人是企业高管。This case is a compound villa, man is a famous lawyer, goodwife is corporate executives.

其实这里是给女主人开辟的一个地方,外面衔接小小的狭长露台。Actually here is a place that gives goodwife start, small long and narrow gazebo joins outside.

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一个小小的空间和视角,就有着如此丰富的色彩和外形,这些都是女主人的杰作。A little space and perspective, having so rich color and figure, these are the classic of goodwife.

杨莉滨家的地毯也很有特点,那也是女主人的杰作。The carpet of home of Yang Li bank also has a characteristic very much, that also is the classic of goodwife.

其实,客厅的装饰细节如同女主人,流露出她的漂亮神韵。Actually, the adornment detail of the sitting room is just as goodwife , shed the beautiful verve that shows her.

在门厅处,地面铺设中投下的“彩色花环”又显示出女主人的热情与浪漫。Be in vestibular place, in ground laid overhand " chromatic anadem " the enthusiasm that shows goodwife again and romance.

更衣室是女主人最需要的。将一个房间改为更衣室的设计,远较其他功能空间更为适宜。Goodwife needs bathhouse most. the design of bathhouse of instead of a room, space of far otherer function is more suitable.

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女主人又陪同邮差来到遗漏的餐厅,那里有丰盛的午餐和咖啡在等着他。Goodwife accompanies mailman to come to omission dining-room again, there are big lunch and coffee over there waiting for him.

由于装修预算有限,厨卫就通过一些细节来实现女主人许多装修的想法。Because decorate a budget finite, hutch defends the notion that comes to a lot of decorating realize goodwife through a few detail.

女主人也是时尚中人,她的工作是给欧洲女性提供生活的灵感,帮助她们享受精致生活。Goodwife also is fashionable go-between , her job is the inspiration that provides the life to European female, help them enjoy delicate life.

女主人在想些什么呢?唉!还真猜不到。但是从视觉上你会很轻易的感觉到,这套沙发坐起来很舒适。What is goodwife thinking? Alas ! Still do not guess really. But from the vision you are met very easy feel, this sofa sits up very comfortable.

由客卧改造的衣帽间,女主人自称有藏东西的喜好,其实是喜欢家里井井有条,整洁干净。Lie by the guest transformed cloakroom, goodwife professes to have the love that hides a thing, it is to like the home actually in in perfect order, shipshape.

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女主人喜欢布满阳光的自然生活,大洋洲充裕的阳光和淳朴的自然风格,非常符合女主人的理想。Goodwife likes to fill the natural life of sunshine, the sunshine with abundant the Oceania and honest natural style, special the ideal that accords with goodwife.

女主人亲手设计的大餐台别有韵味,坐在这里用餐,会收获十分透明愉快的好心情。The big eat station that goodwife designs with one's own hands does not have lasting appeal, sit here have dinner, can harvest very transparent and happy good humor.

在家具的选择上,主人只是选用了几款白色的藤椅,上面的靠垫还是女主人亲手设计并缝制的。On the choice of furniture, host just chose the cany chair of a few white, the cushion for leaning on above or goodwife are designed with one's own hands and of tailor.