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我照的一张维多利亚港的照片,在比赛中得了第二名。A photograph I took of Vitoria Harbor won second prize in a contest.

曾有人问我是否在努力恢复维多利亚时代的价值观。Did someone ask me if I was trying to restore the value of the Vitoria era.

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巴斯最出名的就是那个罗马浴场,那里是当时一个皇帝治疗他的麻风病的地方。There are several famous tourism places, such as Abbey church, Roman Bath, Vitoria Park etc.

我们知道吉马良斯是一支出色的球队,但是我们会为胜利奋战到最后一刻。We know that Vitoria Guimaraes are an excellent team, but we will fight to the end in order to win.

维多利亚港湾斜斜的漆咸道,深夜打烊的大小店铺都还倦在卷帘门后。Vitoria harbor slanting Chatham Road, the size of the shops are closed at night and also in the shutter doors.

该剧在法国的演出是作为中法文化年活动的一部分,在西班牙维多利亚还参加了当地艺术节的演出。It was a part of China-France Culture Year held in France and also joined a local art festival in Vitoria , Spain.

环球电视网报道,其援引安全官员的表述,单单一天就有200辆汽车在维多利亚被盗,而该州平均值为20。TheGlobo TV network, citing security officials, reported that 200 cars were stolenin Vitoria on a single day, when the state average is 20.

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不过也有明星有能耐把自家的品牌经营得风生水起,比如贝嫂和西耶娜·米勒。Some stars have managed to capitalize on their celebrity status with genuine fashion credibility, such as Vitoria Beckham and Sienna Miller.

市长维多利亚表示,违规的人不会受到惩罚,而且此规定“只是一个建议而已”,并非“义务”。Mr Vitoria said that those found guilty of breaking the rules will not face penalties, adding that the edict should be treated as 'merely a suggestion' rather than an 'obligation'.

该书所包含的翻译作品不仅阐述了前述事件,而且涉及维多利亚关于自然法、自然权利与正义战争传统来源的重要著作。The Cambridge Text on Vitoria includes those translations which illustrate this but also depict Vitoria's major works on natural law, natural rights and the beginnings of the just war tradition.

1992年穆里尼奥在里斯本竞技首次以鲜明的姿态在名帅罗布森手下工作。之前,他曾在阿玛多拉和塞巴图尔俱乐部担任过不起眼的职务。He had held low-profile positions at Estrela Amadora and Vitoria Setubal before taking his first high -profile role in football in 1992 when appointed to work under Bobby Robson at Sporting Lisbon.