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自然对一个圣徒来说是神圣的。Nature to a saint is sacramental.

对一个圣徒来说,自然是神圣的。Nature to a saint is sacramental.

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圣餐礼的观点是圣经教导的。The Sacramental view is the teaching of the Bible.

圣餐指圣事中食用的面包和葡萄酒。The Eucharist refers to the sacramental bread and wine.

当道林顿终于起飞之后,这份感受不仅具有了感染力,而且也变得庄严神圣起来。When Dorrington finally gets up in the air, the feeling is not only contagious, it is sacramental.

在家族墓前,通过某种神圣的仪式,父亲的斗争化为儿子的遗产。Through a kind of sacramental rite at the family tomb, the father's struggle becomes the son's birthright.

一些仪式在这个国家的图景中扮演了一种神圣的角色,抚慰人们的心灵。Some of the rites played a kind of sacramental role in the nation's imagination, conferring a healing reassurance.

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基督山酒庄由基督教的传教士于1851年创立,种植葡萄并将其酿造成葡萄酒作为教会之圣酒。Sevenhill was established in 1851 when the Jesuits who settled in the area planted vines to produce sacramental wine.

这些法律所根据的原则无他,就是同一奥迹的唯一传统。The principle on which these associations are based is common tradition by which they share the same sacramental bond.

这种交通能够产生一个让人的灵魂与基督相遇的神圣时刻。The purpose of the interview isto produce a sacramental moment in which the human soul meets Godas revealed in Christ.

在这个以耶稣宣讲天国为起始的新创造里﹐婚姻圣事是一个恩赐的分享。Sacramental Marriage is a privileged participation in this new creation inaugurated with the proclamation of the Kingdom.

这是因为它有其根据的精神,上帝,谁不能装在一个圣礼方块或走过场的公式。This is because it has its basis in the Spirit of God, who cannot be encased in a sacramental box or a ritualistic formula.

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摩尼教的崇拜包括禁食,每日祷告,还有与最后的晚餐非常不一致的圣餐。Manichaean worship included fasting , daily prayers , and sacramental meals which differed greatly from the lord ' s supper.

慈运理不认为在主的晚餐中的“圣礼联合”有什么必要,因为他对圣礼有不同的看法。Zwingli did not see the need for a "sacramental union" in the Lord's Supper because of his modified understanding of sacraments.

不过,僧侣并不为在俗教徒施行圣礼,也没有主持洗礼或婚礼的惯例。Monks, however, do not normally perform sacramental rituals for the laity, and would not normally officiate at baptisms and marriages.

在马尔堡,路德拒绝放弃发生在圣礼的元素和基督的身体和血之间的“圣礼联合”的这个观念。At Marburg, Luther refused to give up the idea of "sacramental union" that took place between the elements and Christ's body and blood.

最有影响力的国旗都带有一种神圣的气息,彷佛包蕴着一个国家的精神,星条旗就是一个很好的例子。The most potent flags assume a sacramental quality, as if the spirit of the nation is embodied in them, nowhere more so than in the Stars and Stripes.

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在日耳曼神话中所描绘的神之住所就是由黄金装点而成的大厅,并且基督教中的修道院和教堂当中都习惯以金质圣物作为供奉。Germanic myths tell of the gods' great hall of gold, and as Christian churches and monasteries gained wealth, they acquired golden sacramental objects.

狄金森诗歌中的圣事意象表明了诗人对传统宗教的反叛精神和对宗教信仰的独特的追求。Therefore, the sacramental images in Dickinson's reveal her rebellious spirit against the religious tradition and her unique pursuit of religious faith.

比起十分重视圣礼的宗教,如犹太教和东正教,实践或仪式这一层面在佛教中并不那么显要。The practical or ritual dimension is less pronounced in Buddhism than in faiths of a strongly sacramental kind, such as Judaism and Orthodox Christianity.