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经过艰难跋涉,我们来到一块铺满鹅卵石被晒干的凹陷区域,此地除了有一堆粗糙的半圆形玄武岩外,乍看起来毫无特色。We trudged out onto a cobbled, sunbaked pan, featureless but for a rough semicircle of basalt rocks.

毫无特色的收费高速公路和州际公路成了我们许多人的专门选择,这是为什么呢?Why is it that the featureless turnpikes and interstates are the routes of choice for so many of us?

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一个明亮的橙色物体从一处低矮寻常的水泥建筑群间射向飞机。A bright orange object rose toward the airplane from a cluster of low, featureless concrete buildings.

上图是机遇号穿越一片无特征沙漠时,从遥远的地平线延伸出的轮胎印。Pictured above, Opportunity's tire tracks cross a nearly featureless Martian desert, emanating from a distant horizon.

他们的即兴动作被录入3D摄像机,而每个人都被转录成毫无特征的计算机人。Their impromptu routines were recorded on special 3D cameras and then transferred onto featureless computer characters.

如果地球是平坦的,你可以料想到,从地平线驶来的船首先表现为一个看不清的小点。If the earth were flat, you would expect a ship approaching from the horizon to appear first as a tiny, featureless dot.

妮雅和贝拉滚到了右边,挨着一块弯曲的毫无特点的墙面,正好离第二个走廊的尽头不远。Gnea and Bela were off to the right, along a section of curved, featureless wall just short of a second corridor terminus.

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学校的主建筑是一幢两层高、用混凝土和粗石砌成的长方形建筑,风格现代却流于平淡。The school’s main building is a two-story rectangle constructed from concrete and fieldstone in a featureless modern style.

但是仍有支持涂鸦的个人市民,他们说那是在黯淡且无特色的街道上添加的受欢迎的景观。But there are private citizens who support graffiti, saying it’s a welcome addition to otherwise dull and featureless streets.

海龟是如何横渡一望无际而又似乎毫无特色的海洋抵达遥远的捕食区和繁殖地的,这个问题长久以来一直是个海洋之谜。How sea turtles navigate across vast expanses of featureless ocean to reach feeding and breeding sites has long been a mystery.

一辆水车浇湿了整条街道,使那些本来阴暗且毫无特色的黑色表面变得富有生气和充满光泽。A water truck wet down the street to give life and sheen to those surfaces which otherwise would have been murky, featureless blacks.

他的听众被指引去的地方是令人畏惧、毫无特色的,但这并没有束缚住爱默生在孤独的自由中享有的喜悦。That the terrain to which his auditors are released is dauntingly featureless did not curb Emerson's own delight in solitary freedom.

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但是毫无景色的道路无休无止地沿着像箭一般笔直的水塘与水库并行。Instead, the featureless route led me for what seemed like an eternity along an arrow-straight dyke that ran parallel to the reservoir.

但是萨兰格博士说Derniere小岛几乎平凡的地形和他想象中的海滩一点也不像。But Dr. Sallenger said the practically featureless topography of Isle Derniere had never matched his idea of what a beach should look like.

短时间后,光芒冲击波开始消退,整个克哈星球的景象变成了以前暗淡无光的样子。After a short time, the pools of light began to fade, and the holo-image of Korhal became a darker, featureless facsimile of its former self.

近年来,榆林节日民俗伴随着社会的变化日趋式微,其原因在于人们生活方式的改变和思想观念的变化。In recent years, the holiday customs in Yulin area have become featureless because of the changes of the living ways and ideas of local people.

海龟是如何横渡一望无际而又似乎毫无特色的海洋抵达遥远的捕食区和繁殖地的,这个问题长久以来一直是个海洋之谜。How turtles navigate across vast expanses of seemingly featureless ocean to reach distant feeding and breeding sites has long been a mystery of the seas.

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澳大利亚南部的艾尔湖可能是地球上最荒芜,最没有特色的地方了。这个澳大利亚低平的,荒芜的盐碱性湖泊有的只是地平线上3700平方英里的面积。Lake Eyre might be the bleakest, most featureless place on Earth—a flat, arid salt sink in Australia with only the horizon to define its 3,700 square miles.

拥有秘密捍卫他,免于瓦解在无意识社会生活的无形无状的洪流里,因此也捍卫他免于他的灵魂的致命的危险。Their possession safeguards him from dissolving in the featureless flow of unconscious community life and thus safeguards him from deadly peril to his soul.

一条道路横亘在札格洛斯山所包围的一片景致单调的高原上,领著我们到居鲁士的陵墓前,这个墓有几分像阶梯金字塔,上头再覆盖一个石制的平底船。A road journey across a featureless plain surrounded by the Zagros mountains took us to the tomb of Cyrus, a kind of stepped pyramid surmounted by a stone ark.