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他最后沦落到了流浪人的贫民区。He ended up on skid row.

液体燃料增压泵撬装体。Duplex liquid fuel boost pump skid.

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你想沦为流浪汉了此一生吗?。Do you want to end up a skid row bum?

从球销上拆去支撑杆。Remove support from under skid plate.

这个流浪汉是贫民区的一个失业者。The bum was down and out on skid row.

这时,我感到事情有点不妙。At this point I felt things beginning to skid.

经营各种汽车防滑链条。Operating various automobile anti- skid chains.

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当你停车时,煞车痕长达一英里。When you stop, you leave a mile long skid mark.

格雷斯回忆道,“滑道上没有摄像机。Recalls Gleis, “There was no camera on the skid.

他突然刹车,使得前轮打了滑。He braked suddenly, causing the front wheels to skid.

他猛然刹车,使得前车轮打滑了。He braked suddenly, causing the front wheels to skid.

在别人家的后院留下油腻腻的刹车印。Leaving our greasy skid marks in people's back yards.

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很棒。雪美极了,我每天都滑雪。It was wonderful. The snow was perfect. I skid very day.

人们常常将他称为“贫民窟的桂冠诗人”。He is often remembered as "The Poet Laureate of Skid Row".

飞机最终停在了跑道尽头的农地里。The plane skid ded to a halt in a field at the end of a runway.

我可以完全打出“切球”的感觉,并让球又快又低的滑开。I was really able to knife the ball and get it to skid fast and low.

打滑,滑行从表面,经常是小路上滑过或滑落的动作。Skid n. The act of sliding or slipping over a surface, often sideways.

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在穷街附近,人们对花的需求量不多。There isn't a lot of demand for flowers in the shop's Skid Row neighborhood.

开车接近水是不可能的,因为会打滑。It is impossible to come up close to the water by car as it goes into a skid.

底盘由厚钢板制成,并通过结构件来加强。The skid is fabricated of heavy steel plate reinforced by structural members.