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这似乎难以置信的许多功利主义者。That seems implausible to many utilitarians.

我觉得这种观点难以置信。I've got to say I find that a pretty implausible view.

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假如我晓得我的经济史,我就会觉得这种想法不大可能。If I didn't know my economic history, I'd find the idea implausible.

不过,这种描述,虽然引人入胜,但也太难以令人置信。But this version of events, though attractive, is ultimately implausible too.

仲裁员还认为,雇员的辩解是令人难以置信和荒谬的。DP Sams also found the employee's argument to be "implausible and ridiculous".

说不定有一天人类的单性生殖或许竟会变得不这样令人难以置信呢?Who knows, one day a virgin birth in humans may not be so implausible after all.

我觉得是不太合乎情理的――非洲化石记载在那时候很糟糕。I find that relatively implausible — the African fossil record at that time is terrible.

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生物学家说很难相信洋葱能像捕虫器那样吸收流感病毒。Biologists say implausible that onions could attract flu virus as a bug zapper traps flies.

外星种族来地球殖民同样是个令人难以置信的想法。Equally implausible is the notion that an extraterrestrial race would want to colonize Earth.

被引用的通货膨胀数字意味着完全难以估计的斜率算法。The inflation numbers cited imply a completely implausible estimate of the slope of the SRAS.

1881年鲁迅出生时,他未来将成为向封建文化宣战的文化名人简直是不可置信的。At his birth, in 1881, Lu Xun's future as a professional iconoclast would have looked implausible.

上世纪80年代末,关于日本将超越美国的预测一直令人难以信服。Predictions that Japan would over-take the US, popular in the late 1980s, were always implausible.

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你看复制人格是多么容易,才导致这些不真实的无分支规则。See how easy it is to duplicate personalities, leading to these totally implausible no branching rules.

相反,对于在和平与繁荣环境下长大的西欧人来说,战争的话题似乎注定是遥不可及的。On the contrary, war talk seems inherently implausible to people raised in prosperous, peaceful western Europe.

克里斯蒂的做法听起来可能令人难以置信,在美国,犯罪盛行程度远远超过他的故乡挪威。Christie's approach may sound implausible in the US, where crime is far more prevalent than in his home of Norway.

在获利率远低于历史平均水平的情况下,似乎很难期待从估值方面获利。With the yield well below the historic average it seems implausible to assume any further contribution from valuation.

如果格鲁伯是这类咨询协议的一个非常令人难以置信的候选人,您可能会怀疑这是否是其中之一。And if Gruber were a highly implausible candidate for this kind of consulting, you might suspect that this was one of them.

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在我看来,说我们全都会孤独而死,无论怎样解释都是不合理的,错误的。I think,as far as I can see,that the claim we all die alone, however we interpret it,just ends up being implausible or false.

尽管美国主机的数量庞大,代管中心网路基础架构也很发达,但是这个数据并不完全可信。The US number should be large, though, and the country does have a huge hosting infrastructure, so it’s not entirely implausible.

这可是个令人发指的罪行,但是当一个社会里一切常规都被激烈的改变的时候,任何事情都能发生。It was an implausible charge, but, when everything that is routine about a society is violently altered, anything can seem possible.