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皮肤开始变得苍白,并且大量冒虚汗。Skin becomes pale with profuse sweating.

宽大的裙子被风吹得鼓鼓的。Her profuse skirt bosomed out with the gusts.

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姑娘的宽大的裙子被一阵风吹得鼓鼓的。The girl's profuse skirt bosomed out with the gusts.

伴有大汗、恶心呕吐。Accompanied by profuse sweating, nausea and vomiting.

还能在事故后减缓大量流血的速度。It can slow the profuse flow of blood after an accident.

腌腊商品,夏令佳肴,令您赞不绝口。The cured food, a delicacy in summer, enjoys profuse praise.

基质内含有丰富的胶原纤维。There were profuse collagenic fibers in the basic substance.

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送葬者泪如雨下,令人心碎。The mourner's profuse tears at the burial were heartbreaking.

当一个外物进入眼睛,就会不停流泪。When a foreign object enters the eye, profuse tearing results.

忽然门“吱呀”一声开了,宋国人满头大汗地回来了。Suddenly the door, "Ziya" A opened, profuse sweating and Song were back.

东印度常绿的蔓生植物,由于其丰富的香的白花而被载植。East Indian evergreen vine cultivated for its profuse fragrant white flowers.

楼上楼下的邻居来参观之后都赞不绝口。After upstairs and downstair neighbour will look around, be profuse in praise.

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他在办公室忙得满头都是汗,她却在和朋友谈笑风生。He was in the office is busy profuse sweat, she is in and friends and laughing.

阔板西瓜子,口味独特,令您赞不绝口。Big watermelon seeds with a distinctive taste must come in for your profuse praise.

很容易出现手足心热、盗汗、咽干、口燥等现象。Hand, foot and heart are prone to heat, profuse sweating, throat, Kouzao and so on.

这个演员虽然收入不菲,但是挥金如土,积蓄甚少。Despite a large income, the actor had saved very little because he is profuse spender.

前腿长有短毛,但在腿的后面混有许多长长的饰毛。The forelegs have short hair blending into profuse feathering on the backs of the legs.

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临床表现主要以发热、多汗、乏力、关节痛为主。The clinical manifestations were mainly fever, profuse sweating, fatigue and arthralgia.

我们发现,加热使山艾树生长速度过快。much more rapidly, we found that the heating is causing profuse growth of the sagebrush.

通常有颤抖,头晕和心悸,可能有丰富的出汗。There is usually trembling, faintness and palpitations, and there may be profuse sweating.