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我希望你不要替他辩护。I hope you are not excusing him.

为罪找藉口的人,是不可原谅的。There's no excuse for excusing sin.

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日常饮食任何才能跟宥营养?Do any ability follow diet excusing nutrition ?

两个男人说了一声“失陪”,便来到下一层。Excusing themselves, the two men went one floor down.

让我们从刑法及其免责条件着手。Let us start with criminal law and its excusing conditions.

我写了病假条,希望可以得到允许不去上音乐课。I wrote my own sick note excusing myself from music lessons.

她匆匆写了一封信允许他当日离开学校。She dashed off a quick letter excusing him from school that day.

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限制免责条件的范围的另一原由是证明的困难。Another reason limiting the scope of the excusing conditions is difficulty of proof.

但是相信不存在这样变态的女人,把自己的钱拿给男人,让男人去找别的女人。The man who says he is going to the toilet while people are eating instead of just excusing himself.

具有讽刺意味的是,做为一名完美主义者,我首先应该请大家原谅我的发帖不够完美。Being a perfectionist, it is ironic that I should first start by excusing the imperfection of my post.

但是大老爷认不出这位客人,便推托自己的视力不好,问客人贵姓。The host did not recognize his guest, and excusing himself by a plea of failing sight, asked his name.

你如何在缺乏动力的时候让自己有足够的动力开始工作?How do you motivate yourself enough to get started when you’re still excusing yourself from a lack of motivation?

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曾几何时超短裙一度成为栽赃女人开脱男人的借口,而今天这一重要角色变成了酒精。Today, alcohol also plays as significant a factor in blaming women and excusing men as the short skirt used to do.

有一次,在每日一次念玫瑰经时我请假去上厕所,结果在外面待的时间过长,惹了麻烦。I also got in trouble once for excusing myself to go to the bathroom and staying away too long during the daily rosary.

因此,如果你正在为自己不参加教堂礼拜甚或追随上帝而找借口,那你其实一点借口都没有。So, if you are excusing yourself from church attendance and even pursuing the things of God themselves, you really have no excuse.

这家伙就是那个从幼儿园到国民警卫队一直拿他爹娘的条子假装生病的人。This is the same guy who got notes from his parents excusing him for being sick all the way from pre-school to National Guard duty.

无弹性惩罚只应在为最情有可原的犯罪环境下的罪行施以最小程度的惩罚时使用。Inflexible punishments may be prescribed only if they represent the minimum punishment deserved under the most excusing of circumstances.

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“我觉得,父亲,”露西脸色苍白,口气犹豫地解释说,“我听见楼梯上有陌生的脚步声。”"I thought, my father, " said Lucie, excusing herself, with a paleface and in a faltering voice, "that I heard strange feet upon thestairs.

把寻找骚乱的原因的行动斥为为暴力寻找借口,这就像否定医生戒烟的劝告,说那是为早死找的借口。Attempts to dismiss the search for reasons for the rioting as excusing violence is like dismissing a GP's warnings about smoking as excusing early deaths.

他说我们拥有的经济机制是“我们中大部分人必须按游戏规则出牌,而其他那些人则手持令箭得以免于受限,直至末日来临。”He says we have an economy where "some of us have to play by the rules, while others get a note from the principal excusing them from homework 'til the end of time."