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来源的可靠性。Credibility of source.

数据源描述。Data source description.

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预处理源数据。Pre-process source data.

愿神佑护爱之泉源......Bless'd source of love...

环形光源。Ring-shaped light Source.

春联的一个源头是桃符。Spring is a source TaoFu.

这是一个注册机源代码。This is a RI source code.

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这是紧张关系的来源之一。This is a source of tension.

水是生命之源。Water is the source of life.

它们都是开放源码的。All of which are open source.

它是万恶之流泉。It is the source of all evil.

上面这段声明的出处是?The source of this statement?

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凝乳酵素的来源是什么?What Is The Source Of Rennet?

什么是公开源码软件?What is open source software?

于欣源低调表示。Yan in a low-key source said.

神是源头与创始者。God is the Source & Initiator.

这是那个源代码。Here's that source code again.

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我才是人的生命之源。I am the source of human life.

我们的技能源自哪里?Where do we source our skills?

CakePHP是免费的开源PHP框架CakePHP is Free and Open Source