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公司清算人制度。Company's liquidator system.

商业房产经理—清算人。Commercial real estate manager -- liquidator.

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第三部分为清算人的法律规制。Part III, is about legal regulation of liquidator.

其中一名董事被指定为公司清算人。One of the company directors was appointed liquidator.

法院认为必要时,得将清算人解任之。The court may dismiss a liquidator whenever it deems necessary.

由此产生的费用和损失,由清算人承担和赔偿。The expenses and losses thus entailed shall be borne by the liquidator.

然后,您作为一个“清盘”,并获得一定比例的整个销售。You then act as a "liquidator" and get a percentage of the entire sales.

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还盘实际上是受盘人以发盘人的地位发出的一个新盘。Also plate is subject to the liquidator to the status of your order and issue a new plate.

清盘开始之后清盘人将会接管公司的一切财产以及业务。Upon liquidation the liquidator will take control over all the company's assets and affairs.

清算人之解任,应由股东于十五日内,向法院声报。The removal of a liquidator shall be reported to the court by the shareholders within fifteen days.

清算人要负责在切尔诺贝利地区营救幸存者和消除扩散的威胁。Liquidator to be in charge of the Chernobyl area to rescue survivors and the elimination of the threat of proliferation.

本章分四个部分介绍公司清算人的产生、公司清算人的性质、公司清算人职责与公司清算人的法律责任。This chapter divides into four parts to introduce the production, the nature, the duty and legal liability of company liquidator.

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布拉特紧张起来。他对着身前的桌子凝视许久,含混不清地说着关于ISL的什么。Blatter tenses up, gazes down at the table before him and mutters something about the ISL company, now in the hands of a liquidator.

一名沉思中的清理者,正坐直升机飞往切尔诺贝利核电站的一个冷却池执行任务。Alone with his thoughts, a liquidator sits aboard a helicopter heading out on a mission to a cooling reservoir at the Chernobyl site.

根据保华国际以传真方式发布的声明,保华国际与安永以未经披露的“具有实质性意义的”赔偿金额达成了庭外和解。Borrelli Walsh and Ernst &Young settled the case for an undisclosed "substantial" amount, according to a faxed statement from the liquidator.

清算人应当自被确定之日起10日内,将清算人成员名单向企业登记机关备案。A list of the members of the liquidation team shall be submitted to the registration organ for archival purposes within 10 days after the liquidator is determined.

注册会计师史密斯先生已被任命为本公司结束业务的清算人,他将代理本公司清偿清偿一切债清偿务并收取一切应收的欠款。Smith, chartered accountant, has been appointed as liquidator to wind up the business and will discharge all the firm's liabilities and receive all payments due to it.

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债权人申报债权,应当说明债权的有关事项,并提供证明材料。清算人应当对债权进行登记。When a creditor files a claim, he shall specify the matters related to the claim and provide the relevant document of proof. The liquidator shall register such a claim.

此委员会由公司的债权人及须向公司资产贡献的人士组成,用以监察清盘人行使权力之过程。The committee consists of creditors and persons who need to contribute to the assets of the company. Its function is to help supervise the exercise of power by the liquidator.