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在岸栖的栖息地内是一名好土壤装订工人。It is a good soil binder in riparian habitats.

新奥尔良的财富一直与其河岸的位置息息相关。The fortunes of New Orleans have always depended on its riparian location.

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纽奥良的财富一直与其河岸的位置息息相关。The fortunes of new orleans have always depended on its riparian location.

保护水源区,扎营离湖或河至少两百尺。Protect riparian areas by camping at least 200 feet from lakes and streams.

滨水植物耐水湿能力与栽培技术有关。The riparian plant's waterlogging resistance had a relation with cultivation skill.

河岸所有权是从英国的传统中引进来的,而英国又是从罗马法中借鉴的。Riparian rights are derived from the English tradition, which in turn comes from Roman law.

而河岸亲水公园及小木屋专卖店,也增添了西岸的独特风景。The riparian water parks and cabins stores, but also added the unique scenery of the West Bank.

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探讨了河湖滨岸植被缓冲带净污机理需要进一步研究的突出问题。In the end, the future progress in purification mechanism of the riparian buffer strip is prospected.

湖滨带是水生和陆地生态系统间的过渡带或生态交错区。Riparian zone was an important interlace or eco-tone between aquatic ecosystems and upland ecosystems.

河流栖息地,称为河岸系统,通常包含茂密的植被和大量的动物的种类。River habitats, called riparian systems, often contain lush vegetation and a wealth of animal species.

此次城市滨水地区宜居环境营造研讨会,正是在这种背景下得以成功举行。The city riparian areas are advised to create an environment in the seminar, it is in this context success.

河岸的垂柳在黄昏的雾霭里像瀑布,又像如注的暴雨。Riparian the weeping willow in the evening as the Waterfall Mist Lane, as a capital injection of the rainstorm.

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同时,使江水、滨水绿带、城市建筑分隔递变,漓江两岸景观更加优美。Meanwhile, the water, riparian green belts, urban construction-ho, Lijiang River strait landscape more beautiful.

这种植物喜欢生长在潮湿和阳光充足处,潮湿的河岸林地,在那里攀爬树木和其他植物。This plant grows at the sunlit margins of moist, humid riparian woodlands, where it climbs trees and other plants.

血统的河流正面临着穿过走道层次广泛栽培与天然河岸植被。The descent to the river is marked by boardwalks traversing broad tiers cultivated with native riparian vegetation.

苏州河作为近两年的住宅热门板块,以其独一无二的河岸水景得到购房者的认同。Suzhou River nearly two years as a residential hot plate, with its unique features is the purchase of riparian recognition.

在第四纪早、中期,胡杨逐渐演变成荒漠河岸林最主要的建群种。In the early Quaternary, medium, Populus gradually evolved into the most important building in desert riparian forest species.

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此外,许多有河岸权制度的州还设立了水转移与分配的行政许可机制。Furthermore, many states with riparian rights systems also have administrative permit systems for water diversion and allocation.

这里其实是一个河岸的区域,如果每个人可以做出改变和丢掉钉耙,所有的图森市都可以变成这样。This is actually in a riparian area. And all of Tuscon could be like this if everybody would just revolt and throw away the rake.

在河流的入湖口建造湖滨湿地,可有效净化入湖径流中携带的部分有机污染物、营养盐等。Constructed wetlands in the riparian zone can decontaminate certain organic pollutants and nutrients in surface runoff effectively.