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你能告诉我雪人住哪儿吗?Can you show me where the yeti lives?

关于雪人还有许多其他的故事。There are many other stories about the yeti.

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拉卡帕告诉了警察她遭遇雪人的地方。Lhakpa told the policeman where she saw the yeti.

牦牛又大又壮——不过雪人更大。Yaks are big and strong – but the yeti was bigger.

这些异形,飞碟,雪人,地狱小子的照片。In the pictures of aliens , ufo , the yeti , hellboy.

我遇到雪人的日子是我一生最美好的时光。The day on which I met yeti was the greatest of my life.

我在喜马拉雅山遇到雪人时,我吃惊得呆住了。When I saw Yeti on Himalayas, I was so surprised I stopped dead.

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这个雪人用它长长的蔓是毛发的手臂抱起了拉卡帕!The yeti took Lhakpa up in its long, hairy aims! She was terrified.

新近建成的珠穆朗玛峰上不时传来雪人的吼叫。The yowl of the Yeti echoes from the newly completed Mount Everest.

据说,雪人是一种高大多毛,像人类一样用两脚行走的动物。The Yeti a large, hairy animal that walks on two feet like a human being.

所以,拉卡帕在干活的时候根本没有真正想过暗些关于雪人的古老传说。So Lhakpa never really thought about the old yeti stories while she was working.

脚印是目前撑持野人存在说的为数不多的实证之一。Footprints are one of the few pieces of hard evidence supporting the existence of Yeti.

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如果幸运的话,你可能会在喜马拉雅山偶遇雪人,或是几个脚印。You might run into a Yeti in the Himalayas, or just see a few footprints, but you'd still be lucky.

我和爸爸还和雪人照了一张合影作为留念,我似乎看见雪人在甜甜地笑。My father and I took a photo as a souvenir and the snowman, I seemed to see the Yeti in a sweet smile.

“救命!”她喊着,开始逃跑。但是她的速度太慢了,很快巨大的雪人就近在她身边了。"Help! " she shouted, and she started to run. But she was too slow and soon the huge yeti was right beside her.

对于这些“夜啼郎”应该怎么办呢?下面这三招,或许会对年轻的父母有所帮助。For these "Yeti Lang, " how should I do it? Following the three strategies, and perhaps will help young parents.

努努蜷缩在洞穴边,等待着成为有史以来最强大的冬眠雪人。Crouching down on the edge of the cave, Nunu waited for the biggest yeti he had ever seen to come slumbering out.

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此外,尼泊尔还被认为是“野人之乡”,是8个文化和2个世界自然遗产所在地。Further, Nepal is considered to be the "Land of Yeti". There are eight cultural and two natural world heritage sites.

斯柯达雪人是六种颜色马托格罗索布朗,水族雾,魔法黑,糖果白,亮银色和红色可供斗牛。Skoda yeti is available in six colors Mato Brown, Aqua Mist, Magic Black, Candy White, Brilliant Silver and Corrida Red.

用降落伞跳悬崖,骑着鹈鹕进行比赛,乘着木筏在汹涌的河流中竞赛,峭壁攀岩,更甚者拿雪人开涮。They dive off cliffs with parachutes, flying pelicans on a race drive, on rafts down raging rivers, steep climb up walls or color to the Yeti.