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只见一条青石小径穿林而过。Cutting through the woods was a bluestone path.

研究中采用的流体为硫酸铜溶液。The fluid used in the study is bluestone solution.

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自然曲折的青石板小路环绕林间。The paths of bluestone slates zigzag through the woods.

主题墙以青石铁锈板呈不规则摆放。Thematic wall with bluestone ferruginous board show irregular put.

它的如一注流水,一点一点在车站的青石台上年复一年地流逝。It's life as a water passage, one point one year after year in bluestone station.

它的生命如一注流水,一点一点在车站的青石台上年复一年地流逝。It's life as a water passage, one point one year after year in bluestone station.

她站在青石台阶上,心里激动得发抖。Standing on bluestone door steps, She was so excited that her heart felt shaking.

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侧滑门的使用以及室内外连续的青石地面铺装让这个概念更得以加强。This idea is reinforced by sliding doors and a continuous bluestone ground plane.

看看人家香港的豪宅,都是花岗岩,磨得亮亮的,亮得能照人,你怎么搞青石板?There luxurious houses are decorated with polished granite, why did you use bluestone?

素朴的门楼立在青石台阶上,同门内高大瓦房相呼应。Naive gatehouse stand in bluestone steps, tile-roofed house with the door tall and echoes.

一路上,小青石兴奋地东看看西瞧瞧,觉得什么都是新鲜的。Along the way, the small bluestone excitedly look east look west, I feel everything is fresh.

餐厅的钢铁和玻璃门通往一个可娱乐宾客的青石庭院。The Dining Room features steel and glass doors opening to a bluestone courtyard for entertaining.

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小青石在蓝蓝的大海里高兴地尖叫起来,它终于如愿以偿地来到了大海!Small bluestone in the blue sea is pleased to scream together, it finally got his wish to come to the sea!

第二天婚礼举行时,加里奥特夫人穿了一件蓝色裙子,戴了一条蓝石项链,还抱着自己的猫。The next day, for the wedding itself, Ms. Garriott wore a blue dress and bluestone necklace, and held her cat.

花岗岩瓷砖,大理石瓷砖,铺路石,路边石,硫酸铜瓷砖,板岩,花岗岩台面,马赛克。Granite Tile, Marble Tile, paves granites , curbstone, Bluestone Tile, Slate Tile, Granite Countertops, Mosaic.

溪水捶打着青石发出咕噜咕噜的声响,似乎也不甘寂寞融进了大乐队之中了。Stream beat the bluestone issued grunt sound, seem to stand the loneliness and financial into being a big band.

你信上说五月六号在蓝石公园有一个联欢会,你想邀请我和你去一起参加。Your letter says there will be a get-together on May 6 in Bluestone Park, and you want to invite me to the party with you.

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随后他们参观了百城枣木雕刻公司、青石石板公司他们对枣木雕刻和石板工艺赞不绝口。Then they visited 100 cities Jujube engraving company, the company bluestone slate and stone carving their Jujube process praise.

我们顺着沿江石阶而上,可以看到门口有一块青石屏风,上面雕刻的就是著名的“米点山水画”。We follow the stone steps and along the river, you can see the door there was a bluestone wall, is carved above the famous "rice Point Landscape."

设计师一反常规,在顶角线和踢脚线的处理上,地台之上采用青石铁锈板。Stylist turns over convention, on vertex angle line and the processing of the line that play a base, bluestone is used over platform ferruginous board.