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也被称为「楔形骨」。Also called a cuneiform bone.

鸡爪印是楔形文字。The chicken scratch is cuneiform.

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她用楔形文字写下了献给神祇的颂歌。She wrote hymns to the gods in cuneiform.

楔形文字是苏美尔人的一大发明。The cuneiform script is a great invention by the Sumerians.

2004年,一些楔形文字文本,写的巴比伦,被发现。In 2004, several cuneiform texts, written in Babylonian, were discovered.

波斯文化受两河流域文化影响,使用楔形文字。Persian culture by the cultural impact of Mesopotamia, the use of cuneiform.

巴比伦发展出一种基于楔形符号的抽象的书写系统。Babylonians developed an abstract form of writing based on cuneiform symbols.

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公元前3500年,生活在现在伊拉克地区的闪族人首先使用楔形文字记录经济活动。B. C. Cuneiform first used by Sumerians in present-day Iraq for economic records.

结果由楔形罩形成的扇形自锻破片束侵彻性强。Results The penetration quality of SFF group formed from cuneiform liner is powerful.

楔形文字是否也和甲骨擦身而过,都去参加一场古文明的盛会?Whether and cuneiform bones passing, an ancient civilization are to attend the event?

它几乎和最古老的美索不达米亚楔形文字同龄,但是我们几乎找不到它的使用者的资料。It is almost as old as the oldest writing of all, theearliest cuneiform from Mesopotamia.

简写是一读一楔形标志,代表了语言文字。A logogram is a reading of a cuneiform sign which represents a word in the spoken language.

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没有楔形文字文件提到在该镇的崩溃,要么亚述或东风。No cuneiform document mentions the town during the collapse of either Assyria or Babylonia.

他们发明了楔形文字,征服者的闪族就是从他们这里接受了楔形文字的。They invented cuneiform, the Semitic conquerors is from here that they accepted the cuneiform.

楔形文字是否也和甲骨擦身而过,都去参加一场古文明的盛会?Evidence of its topography comes from excavations, cuneiform texts, and descriptions by Herodotus.

楔形文字传播的地区主要在西亚和西南亚。With the cultural dissemination, other ethnic groups in west Asia and southwest Asia adopted cuneiform.

我这个味道温和者,安静阅读的恐怖楔形的威胁在我的最出现崩溃的平板。I savor the gentle, quiet terror of reading cuneiform tablets that threaten to crumble at my very presence.

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在1843年和1845的出土期间,大量的泥版收藏品都发现刻有楔形文字。During excavations in 1843 and 1845 CE large collections of clay tablets were found carrying cuneiform signs.

公元前1600年遗留的楔形文字泥板,就记载著巴比伦人对于世界已经人满为患的忧虑。Cuneiform tablets from 1600 B. C. showed that the Babylonians feared the world was already too full of people.

从泥版楔形文到象形文铭文,早期各种书法体系绝大部分都与语音相分离。From bureaucratic cuneiform to monumental hieroglyphs, early writing systems were mostly divorced from speech.