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薰衣草、乳香、橙花。Lavender, Frankincense and Neroli.

维C衍生物、紫苏提取精华、橙花精粹粉末。Vitamin C derivative, Perilla extracted essence, Neroli delicate powder.

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我的皮肤属于混合性肤质,已使用橙花花水数。I've combination skin and been using Neroli Floral Water for a few months.

天然有机橙花精油、高分子保湿聚合物、珍珠微粒成分。Natural organic Neroli oil, macromolecule moisturizing compounds, pearl particles.

橙花曾是一种在古代大量用于给木乃伊涂香油的精油。Neroli was once an oil heavily used in embalming those who were mummified in ancient times.

有机的去角质磨砂膏,被灌注以桔子的甘甜及清香,橙花油。An organic exfoliating scrub infused with the sweet, clean fragrance of orange and neroli oils.

橙花持有许多因人们跌入到信仰虚假神的幻相中而被丢失的人类记录。Neroli holds many lost records of humans who fell into the illusion of believing the false gods.

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射箭选手范尔霍成为了首位被截肢但却参与奖牌项目的选手,她是坐在轮椅上完成的全部比赛。Archer Neroli Fairhall was the first paraplegic athlete to take part in a medal event. She competed in a wheelchair.

乳香和橙花都能提升皮肤细胞的弹性,让皮肤感觉柔软和光滑。Frankincense and Neroli are skilfully combined to promote skin cell rejuvenation and leave skin feeling soft and smooth.

在休息前放一两滴能促进睡眠的精油如洋甘菊、薰衣草或耐奥利在枕头上能得到宁静的睡眠。Place 1 or 2 drops of sleep enhancing oils such as Chamomile, Lavender or Neroli on your pillow before retiring for restful sleep.

在一次摩托车事故后,乃罗利-菲尔霍的腰部以下全部瘫痪,她的运动员生涯也面临终止。Neroli Fairhall's athletic career appeared to be finished when she was paralysed from the waist down following a motorbike accident.

里面添加茉莉、玫瑰、薰衣草、鸢尾、广藿香、蜡菊、橙花和依兰花等精油外,它包含北极蔓越莓和椰枣萃取物以及维生素A和E。In addition to jasmine, rose, lavender, iris, patchouli, everlasting, neroli and ylang ylang essential oils, it contains Arctic cranberry and date extract as well as vitamins A and E.