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你想知道原因。You wonder why.

我开始怀疑。I started to wonder.

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我想知道发生了什么。I wonder what happed.

怎么增加,你可能会想。How?" You might wonder.

难怪你会觉得累。No wonder you’re tired.

你想知道是什么?What is it, you wonder?

我担心我会不会跌倒。I wonder if I will fall.

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我不知道它想要什么?I wonder what it wants ?

难怪我们会好奇。No wonder we're curious.

难怪你来迟了!No wonder you were late!

我在想会不会下雨。I wonder if it will rain.

我想到底是谁在可怜谁。I wonder who pities whom.

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在这充满奇迹的海洋之上。In the wonder of the sea.

这本身就是个奇迹。Just that it is a wonder.

难怪他会冷落你。No wonder he snubbed you.

我不知道跑步到底值不值。I wonder if it's worth it.

难怪他敬拜你了!No wonder he worships you.

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我想知道她是否结婚了。I wonder if she is married.

我想知道到底是怎么回事。I wonder what it was about.

难怪我们喜欢这个家伙。No wonder we love this guy.