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今天,我知道我的叔叔是一个彻底的恋童癖和偷窥癖患者。Today , I know my uncle is totally a pedophilia and voyeurism.

所有的社交媒介都包括着自恋者和窥探者。All social media involve a mixture of narcissism and voyeurism.

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我不明白那是一种探究、窥视还是其他什么。I don't know whether that's exploration or voyeurism or what that is.

对于注重隐私的人,婚礼就像是一场盛大的窥阴演习。For a very private person, weddings feel like a lavish exercise in voyeurism.

窥淫癖和露阴癖交织在这些刻意挑衅的场景。Voyeurism and exhibitionism intertwine in these purposefully provocative scenes.

我认为窥视欲有更为广泛的背景,而不仅仅是性的满足。I think of voyeurism in a much broader context than vicarious sexual satisfaction.

对于注重隐私的人,婚礼就像是一场盛大的窥阴演习。For a very private person, weddings feel like a lavish exercise in voyeurism. Think about it.

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在监狱中,他还告诉我们,他还是个窥阴癖者,要我们对仙农和其他人保密,并对他们在浴室的行为进行录像。On arrest, he disclosed that he had also committed acts of voyeurism on Shannon and others, videotaping them in the bathroom.

不正常地访问网站,致力于观淫癖-不仅仅是一次出于好奇,而是一遍又一遍。And it's not normal to visit sites dedicated to sadomasochism and voyeurism — not just once out of curiosity, but over and over again.

女作家佐伊说,社交媒体上“完美”的婚礼和宝宝照片对单身女性来说是一种信息轰炸,会引起单身女性产生嫉妒心理和偷窥癖。Author Zoe Strimpel says the social media site bombards singletons with pictures of 'perfect' weddings and babies which causes envy and voyeurism.

在女性主义精神分析的视野里,以影片和观众的凝视为中心,电影实际上满足了男性-父权世界一种相互认同的“窥淫”的快感。In the visual field of feminist psychoanalysis, with "gazing at" as the centre, the film has met a kind of male pleasant sensation of "voyeurism" in fact.

一开始,这只是窥淫狂症,后来竟一发不可收拾,成为挡不住的网路现象,并迫使马来西亚总理正式展开询问,同时也改变了警方一些做法。What started as cheap voyeurism escalated into an unstoppable cyberspace phenomenon, which forced the prime minister to establish an official inquiry that led to changes in police practice.