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它拍摄于婆罗摩国家公园。It was taken in Bromo National park.

印度教圣人巴尤深陷于恍惚状态,为前往布罗莫山的供品赐福。Deep in a trance, Baryo, a Hindu holy man, blesses offerings bound for Mount Bromo.

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溴原子所在的位置对反应的对映选择性有一定影响。The position of bromo atoms has definite influence on the sulfoxidation of enantioselectivity.

以溴化钠为溴源,氧气为氧化剂进行的苯甲醚的催化氧化溴代反应。The oxybromination of anisole was investigated with sodium bromide as bromo source and oxygen as oxidant.

当前,在爪哇岛印度教徒并不多,他们大多数都住在布罗莫附近的腾格尔山。There are only a few Hindus on Java nowadays, and most of them live in the Tennger Mountains around Bromo.

印度教信徒在祈祷中溴嵩田山在印尼东爪哇省2009年9月6日的节日。Hindu worshippers pray during the Kasada festival at Mount Bromo in Indonesia's East Java province September 6, 2009.

位于东爪哇岛泗水东南、高2392米,攀爬婆罗摩火山的人,比印尼其他火山都要多。East Java, Surabaya south-east, 2392 meters high, climbing Mount Bromo , Indonesia other than the volcano would need to make more.

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与默拉皮火山不同的是,婆罗摩火山周围的乡村人口密集度没有那么高。With the Mount Merapi volcano is different is that the surrounding countryside Mount Bromo volcano is not so high population density.

刚到那里的前几天,我和大家拍的都一样——不同角度的婆罗摩火山和它附近的山峰。During my first couple of days I shot what everyone shoots there – the Bromo volcano and the neighbouring mountains, from different viewpoints.

讨论了影响反应的一些因素,比较了不同溴代试剂与锌酸盐发生反应的活泼性。The factors of affecting on the reaction were discussed and the reaction activities of various bromo hydrocarbons reaction with zincate were given.

天色有了变化,那就是婆罗摩火山,向大气中喷出巨大的硫磺烟云,那烟云就留驻在绝美的婆罗摩火山旁。The light changes and there it is – Mount Bromo puffing giant sulphurous clouds into the atmosphere standing next to the utterly beautiful Mount Batok.

邻溴苯乙酸的一种新合成路线,通过对磺酸基苯乙酸的溴代反应和2一溴一4一磺酸基苯乙酸的水解反应脱去磺酸基来完成。Ethyl 4 bromo 2 butenoate, a medicine intermediate, was prepared using 2 butenoic acid as main raw material through esterification and bromination reactions.

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熔岩面积广达8000公顷的天吉儿火山是一座古老的火山群,而婆罗摩火山却是火山群中最著名的活火山旅游地。Quanta lava area of 8000 hectares of the wide is an ancient volcano group, and the Mount Bromo volcano is the most famous active volcano in the group to travel.

在印尼东爪哇省的婆罗摩火山每年一度的卡萨达节期间,村民们试图借助朝圣者为感谢印度教神扔往火山坑的供奉品。Villagers attempt to catch offerings thrown by worshippers giving thanks to the Hindu gods into a volcanic crater during the annual Kasada festival at Mount Bromo in Indonesia's East Java province.