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你不能够初始化VLA。You cannot initialize a VLA.

同样,对于VLA类飞机也是如此。This is also true for VLA aircraft.

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VLA不能是结构或者联合的成员。VLA cannot be a member of a struct or union.

VLA不能是静态或外部存储类型。VLA cannot have static or extern storage class.

如果一个数组以一个运行时表达式作为边界,那么它就是一个变长数组。If an array has a run-time expression as its bounds, then it is a VLA.

当一个VLA超出作用范围或是它的生存期结束了,该VLA就被释放了。When a VLA goes out of scope or its lifetime ends, the VLA is deallocated.

进来后第一站是游客中心,几乎每个游览景点都有的地方,里面是一个关于VLA的展览。The first stop is of course the Visitor Center, which hosts a exhibition about VLA.

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因为VLA必须是块中的一个自动变量,VLA不能在文件作用域中声明。Since a VLA must be an automatic variable of a block, a VLA cannot be declared at file scope.

它可以处理的频宽是旧有VLA相关器的80倍,而且能同时处理多笔资料。It will handle up to 80 times the bandwidth of the old VLA correlator and crunch many more data channels simultaneously.

假如你采用键盘来输入文本,那么每当你按下一个键时,与该键对应的二进制数字代码便被送入微计算机。If you enter text vla a key board, then each time you depress a key, the binary digit code associated with that key is transmitted to the microcomputer.

VLA正从其核心部位开始一次全面升级,那就是计算机相关器,一个从所有碟面获取数据并综合分析的装置。VLA is undergoing a total upgrade, starting with the key element in radio telescope arrays -- the computer correlator that blends all the radio data from all the dishes.

VLA一共有26个射电望远镜和三条按Y形布置的双线铁轨,铁轨沿线有大量的望远镜固定地点。VLA is made up of 26 antennas and three dual line railroads laid into a Y shape, along the railroads there are lots of stations which could let the massive antenna to sit on.