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凤兮!O Feng!

哦,谁人可堪忍受?O who can stand?

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陈阿四喜出望外。O Chen four bonus.

噢,喜悦。嗨!喜悦!O joy, hey-ho! Joy!

我袭击了上司。I assaulted my C. O.

主啊,听我的陡姘桑?。Hear my prayer, O Lord.

公牛,公牛,壮壮的,棕色的。O ox ox, Big and brown.

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为我开启光之道吧!The path o light to me!

我们现在就需要负O型血。We need that O neg now!

他是个典型的浪荡公子。He is a typical B. T. O.

没有你在,我的心只能空空如也。I need you , O I love U.

欧·亨利这个名字是个笔名。O. Henry was a pen name.

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好的,这样很不错。O. K. that will be fine.

欧·利这个名字是个笔名。O. henry was a pen name.

以色列人哪,各回各家去吧。To your tents, O Israel!

您用现金还是支票?En efectivo o con cheque?

齐来崇拜我救主。O come, let us adore Him.

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交货付款是我们通常的方法!C. O. D is our usual way !

让我们出去。走走。Let's g. o out for a walk.

肃恭否认杀了阿财。O ready and deny the kill.