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但蕾哈娜却是个更随性的才女。But Rihanna is a far more nebulous talent.

相对地,焕新一切是一个更模糊的目标。Refreshing everything, in contrast, is a more nebulous goal.

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从某种程度上讲,网络礼仪似乎永远是一个谜团。And in some ways, netiquette seems as nebulous a concept as ever.

那时苍茫的暮色,已经开始把那些山谷染成一片烟霭凄迷的图画了。The evening films began to make nebulous pictures of the valleys.

渐渐地,“可测试性”这个模糊的概念开始凝聚升华。Along the way, this nebulous concept of 'testability' started to gel.

人生是由模糊的胜利和模糊的失败——声称他们所有的荷兰。Life is made up of ambiguous victories and nebulous defeats——claim them all as victorie.

接着,他那模糊不清的欲望就自我浓缩起来,再得到热量,也发出热量。Then do its nebulous emanations shrink upon themselves, get heated, and heat in their turn.

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该公司对他们下次要制造的车型只有模糊的概念。The company ssbbww. com had a nebulous idea of the next model of car they would manufacture.

夕阳余晖下,叶儿们亮晶晶的,也同那潋滟的溪流似的,闪烁着金色的扑朔辉光。Sunsets, leaf children shiny, with the glittering streams like, golden gleams of nebulous glow.

朦胧的海王星取代了你想法中的现实。Her trine to nebulous Neptune replaces the reality of your relationships with what's in your mind.

组件这一模糊的概念在这个系统中具有了正式的、明确界定的含义。The nebulous concept of component has a formal, well-defined meaning in the context of this system.

后来的书强调这个组织的时有时无完全是有意为之。Subsequent books would stress that the nebulous existence of the organization was entirely by design.

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当你信奉某种宗教思想之后,你专注而独立的思维就变成了模糊的群体意识。When you subscribe to a religion, you substitute nebulous group-think for focused, independent thought.

由于禁止电视节目出现猥亵内容这一模糊规定的原因,如果他们检查同性恋者间的一个吻,那将会怎样?So what if they censor a gay kiss, on the grounds that a nebulous rule forbids any obscenity on television?

他现在衣服整齐一些了,穿着一件敞领的运动衫、一双运动鞋和一条颜色不清不楚的帆布裤。He was now decently clothed in a "sport shirt" open at the neck sneakers and duck trousers of a nebulous hue.

他们所见之物无非是那圆圆的小污点,通常为朦胧的灰色,没什么值得担心的。The sides fat people see are rounded blobs, usually gray, always nebulous and truly not worth worrying about.

敬畏阿尔卑斯山脉最高山峰的勃朗峰。今天,这位强大的夫人穿着一顶温暖和模糊不清的帽子。In awe of the highest mountain peak in the Alps, Mont Blanc. Today the mighty lady wore a snug nebulous chapeau.

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他现在衣服整齐一些了,穿着一件敞领的运动衫、一双运动鞋和一条颜色不清不楚的帆布裤。He was now decently clothed in a "sport shirt, " open at the neck, sneakers, and duck trousers of a nebulous hue.

我们的工业已帮倒忙本身所指的服务别人承载这种含糊不清的名词“云”。Our industry has done itself a disservice by referring to services someone else hosts by this nebulous term "cloud."

他们配合出色,扎库斯依靠模糊本能的办事风格与4-LOM的严密逻辑相得益彰。Their teamwork was impressive, and Zuckuss' nebulous instinctive style was complemented by 4-LOM's hard-edged logic.