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在英国最常见的蛇是蝰蛇。By far the most common snake in Britain is the adder.

我从石头下面捉出一条长角的毒蝰蛇来,让它咬我。I took a horned adder from beneath a stone and let it sting me.

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蝰蛇在英国也是唯一一种有毒的蛇。The adder is also the only British snake with a poisonous bite.

你知道鼓腹毒蛇和加彭蝰蛇之间的区别吗?Do you know the difference between a puff adder and a gaboon viper?

在现代的电脑中,加法器存在于算术逻辑单元之中。In the modern computer, adder exists in the arithmetic logic unit into.

该加法器可以实现两输入的光学算术运算。This adder can realize the optical arithmetic operation with two inputs.

如果您是咬了一加法您可能不会遇到任何症状。If you are bitten by an adder you may not experience any symptoms at all.

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文章讨论几种全加器的设计,并设计了一种基于数据选择器的全加器。Full adders are discussed, and a multiplexer based full adder is designed.

采用生长进化方法成功地进化出了16位加法器和8位乘法器。The circuits of 16-bit adder and 8-bit multiplier are successfully evolved.

在现代的电脑中,加法器存在于算术逻辑单元之中。In the modern computer, the adder being present in the arithmetic logic unit.

采用该乘加单元我们可以实现任何阶数高速FIR滤波器。With this multiplier adder unit, we can implement FIR filters with any orders.

这就要求用于多位数相加的加法器具有三个输入端。This process requires that the adder used in multibit addition handle three inputs.

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他原吸入了蛇的毒汁,毒蛇的舌头必将他杀死。Because he sucked the poison of a viper, he will be killed by the fangs of an adder.

并行加法器是一种数位电路,其可进行数字的加法计算。Parallel adder is a digital circuit, which can be calculated the number of addition.

加法器是产生数的和的装置。加数和被加数为输入,和数与进位为输出的装置为半加器。Addend and the summand input, and digital and carry the output device is a half adder.

描述了该全光前缀树加法器的原理,说明了其实现的可能性。We also describe the principle and possibilities of the all-optical prefix tree adder.

一个简单的加法器描述,以前在别的网站上被发过,现在存在这里。A simple adder described previously in other websites have been made, and now exist here.

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膀胱加法就是一个例子,许多软件机器人认为是最好的市场。Badder Adder is an example of a robot software that many think is the best on the market.

子字并行加法器能够有效提高多媒体应用程序的处理性能。Subword-parallel adder can efficiently improve the performance of multimedia application.

因此全加器的效能将会完全的影响系统的处理量。Thus, adder is very important in the ALU and also can influence the performance of system.