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让我举一些延安的例子。Let me cite a few examples from Yenan.

他们在1937年到1947年间生活这延安。They lived in Yenan from 1937 to 1947.

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一天清早,我们观察了延安醒来。One early morning we watched Yenan wake up.

延安的一切就是枪杆子造出来的。Everything in Yenan has been created by having guns.

即使在其他地方也没有为延安的丢失而感到惊慌。Even elsewhere the loss of Yenan created no great stir.

第二章论述延安的戏剧运动。Chapter Two mainly discussed the play movement in Yenan.

从延安到南泥湾骑马要三个小时。From Yenan to Nanniwan was a three-hour ride on horseback.

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延安的举动,不能不影响全国。What we do in Yenan is bound to influence the whole country.

这位85岁的男人生活在延安附近,皮肤随年纪起了皱纹。Skin crinkled with age, this 85-year-old man lives near Yenan.

我们延安的人民表示坚决的反对,坚决的抗议。We the people of Yenan voice our firm opposition and strong protest.

延安人不知道从何时开始已住在窑洞里了。The people of Yenan have lived in cave houses since time out of mind.

延安整风与马克思主义中国化有着密切的关系。The Yenan rectification and the sinicization of Marxism have close relationship.

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延安人住在干燥的黄土山坡上挖的窑洞里。The people of Yenan live in cave houses carved into the slopes of dry loessial hills.

他历经艰险,穿过国民党的封锁线,到了延安。After several adventures, Li made his way through the Kuomintang lines and reached Yenan.

延安和陕甘宁边区的人民对于全国人民是有伟大贡献的。The people of Yenan and the Border Region have made great contributions to the whole nation.

延安的知识青年、学生青年、工人青年、农民青年,大家都是团结的。The young intellectuals and students, the young workers and peasants in Yenan are all united.

我们延安文艺界中存在着上述种种问题,这是说明一个什么事实呢?The problems discussed here exist in our literary and art circles in Yenan. What does that show?

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我以为我们延安的许多促进会,有两个意义。I think our numerous meetings in Yenan to promote constitutional government have a twofold purpose.

我们已经在北京住了七年,第八年又请我们回延安怎么办?We have already lived in peking for seven years, and what IF we are requested to return to Yenan in the eighth?

延安时期光华农场的农业科研推广活动产生了深远的影响。Guanghua farm of The Yenan time's agricultural scientific research outreach activities have had" the profound influence."