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电工把电线接好了。The electrician joined the wires up.

电工把电线从线卷上解下来。The electrician wound the wires off.

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这些金属线中有一根松掉了。The electrician wound the wires off.

电工笨拙地做接线工作。The electrician bungled the wiring job.

那位电工切断了通电电路。The electrician killed the live circuit.

我想得派一个电工来修一下才行。I think you’ll have to get an electrician.

电工将我的旧收音机加以改装。The electrician refitted my old radio set.

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电工将剧场中观众席上的灯光减弱了一点。The electrician took the houselights down.

我听说有个电工在高空检修电线时摔伤了。I've heard an electrician got hurt when he hiked.

一名电工开始给办公室接电灯线。An electrician started wiring the office for hights.

马歇尔先生是个有着优雅风度的电学家。Mr. Marshall was an electrician with elegant manners.

运河电工准备当地时间0900时上船。Canal Electrician will embark at 0900 hours local time.

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我去请维修部的电工来。I’ll send for an electrician from the maintenance department.

于是,斯科菲尔德打扮成一个电工敲开了门。Then Scofield acted as an electrician and knocked out the door.

在闲谈中,郑某提到了他曾是一名电工。During a chat, Zheng said that he once worked as an electrician.

这时候你应该立即联系电工,以避免火险。An electrician should be called immediately to avoid a fire hazard.

如果你的线路短路了,那就叫个电工来。If you have a short in your electrical system, call an electrician.

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当时他是爱迪生公司的职员,后来留下当了电工。He was an employee of the Edison Company. He stayed on as an electrician.

于是,他转去了一个学徒计划,以便未来成为一名电工。So he transferred into an apprenticeship program to become an electrician.

在博阿维斯塔青年学院时,劳尔以一名电工的身份学习并工作着。While at Boavista's academy, Raul studied and worked as a car electrician.