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第一,扩大双方贸易规模。First, increase bilateral trade.

双边会谈恐将经年累月。Bilateral talks can be dragged out.

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但双边协议就比较危险了。But bilateral deals are more at risk.

合同可以是双边的或单边的。A contract is either bilateral or unilateral.

但在1929年,一项双边条款更近一步。But, in 1929, a bilateral treaty went further.

第一,关于中印关系。First, on China and India bilateral relationship.

他说他支持签署双边协议。He said he favored bilateral arrangements instead.

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疾病通常发生在后肢,通常是双侧的。It often occurs in the rear legs and is bilateral.

开放是多边的,也是双边的。Opening-up can be both bilateral and multilateral.

双边车轮组是一种小型起重机械。Bilateral wheel group is a small lifting appliances.

声明称,双方在北京签署了双边协议。It said a bilateral agreement was signed in Beijing.

一些肋骨存在双侧融合和增宽。There was bilateral fusions and splaying of some ribs.

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这些都是几中友好合作象征的缩影。All these are epitome of bilateral friendly cooperation.

当前,中印关系发展很好。Currently, bilateral relations are developing very well.

问题是,美国双边会谈的办法都多大的法力。The question is what a bilateral approach might achieve.

他说,双边努力应该以合作为重点。Bilateral efforts should focus on cooperation, Levi said.

双边自贸协定的涌现如雨后春笋。Bilateral free-trade agreements are sprouting like weeds.

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我对两国关系的发展水平感到满意。I am satisfied with the development of bilateral relations.

他们同意保护现有的双边协议。They have agreed to protect existing bilateral conventions.

双方一致同意进一步加强双边合作。We both agreed to further strengthen bilateral cooperation.