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柔性版印刷在近几年内获得了长足的发展。Flexography has obtained the considerable development in recent years.

掌握好油墨的黏度对于苯胺凸版印刷非常重要。Monitoring the ink viscosity is very important to flexography printing.

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另外,特殊介质的转印也需要做柔版印刷。In addition, special transfer of the media also needs to be done flexography.

本文主要研究了柔性版印刷呈色数学模型的建立问题。This paper mainly discusses the problem of how to establish mathematical model of Flexography.

藉此探讨最适弹性凸版印刷之水性印墨适性。Hereby the study can treat the better of runnability and printability of water-based ink and flexography.

本文主要研究了柔性版印刷四色呈色数学模型的建立问题。This paper mainly discusses the problem of how to establish four-color mathematical model of Flexography.

为了获得更好的纸板柔性印刷效果,对纸板进行柔性印刷适性研究。In order to obtain a higher effect of Flex printing paperboard, the performance of Flexography paperboard was made.

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本发明公开了一种温变油墨,适合在轮转机上采用胶印或柔版印刷。The invention discloses temperature sensitive ink, which is suitable for offset printing or flexography on a rotary press.

进入WTO以后,柔性版印刷的环保优势以及其在包装印刷领域的整体发展趋势将十分明显。After entry into WTO, the advantage of flexography and the whole development of package printing industries are very clear and highlight.

弹性凸版印刷因使用环保水性印墨受到重视,而大量废纸回收制造之瓦楞纸箱需求也日趋殷盛。Flexography is valued for the usage environmental protection water-based ink and the recovery manufacturing of wastepaper to corrugated box.

得出了曲线系数与网点面积率的数量关系,并作了具体的误差分析,说明了该方法在以后的柔版印刷中的意义。The relation between coefficients of the equation and dot area rate was obtained and the error was analyzed. The purpose was to provide reference for flexography.

作者根据自己多年从事柔性版印刷的经验,对于如何使用目前应用比较广泛的湿强喷铝纸印刷高档商标进行了逐一介绍。The author illustrates progressively the high-end label printed by the common wet strength spray aluminium paper in accordance with own experience working on flexography.

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在小批量运行时,它一般不使用昂贵的平版印刷过程中由于使该会与柔印印刷准备了特别命令收取费用。On small quantity runs, it is generally less expensive to use the lithographic printing process due to the make ready charges that would be charged for a special order printed with flexography.

作者根据自身多年对国内商标、标签市场的了解,提出了适合目前国情的柔印机机型及工艺。The author presents the lectotype and art of flexography machines which fit in China national condition by the experience of which he makes of national trade mark and label market in so many years.