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他所用的是小鸡胚胎。And he used a chicken embryo.

成熟胚囊内具七个细胞。The mature embryo sac has seven cells.

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胚微小,胚乳丰富,含油。Embryo minute, endosperm copious , oily.

胚发育属于柳叶菜型。Embryo development is of the Onagrad type.

其胚胎发育类型为柳叶菜型。The development of embryo is Onagrad type.

大孢子如何发育成胚囊?How does macrospore developed to embryo sac?

这时期的胚胎称为囊胚。An embryo at this stage is called a blastocyst.

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种子有丰富的胚乳和小的胚。Seeds with abundant endosperm and small embryo.

胚胎发育为柳叶菜型。The embryo development belongs to Onograd type.

个体发生从胚胎到成鱼的发展过程。The process of development from embryo to adult.

体胚在MSO培养基上萌发生根并成苗。The embryo converted into plant in die MSO medium.

胚有两片大而肉质的子叶。The embryo consists of two large fleshy cotyledons.

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胚胎搞混了在生育诊所是极其罕见的。Embryo mix-ups at fertility clinics are extremely rare.

一部分将变成胎盘,另一部分则变成胚胎。One part will become the placenta the other the embryo.

一部分将变成胎盘,另一部分则变成胚胎。One part will become the placenta, the other the embryo.

东北龙胆的胚囊发育属于蓼型。The development of embryo sac belongs to polygonum type.

属薄珠心,胚囊形成时珠心细胞全部消失。All nucellar cells disappear, when an embryo sac is ripe.

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葫芦巴籽由种皮,胚乳和胚组成。Fenugreek seed comprises seed coat, endosperm and embryo.

如果胚胎含有XY染色体组合,则它会发育成男孩。If an embryo has an XY combination, it will become a boy.

棉花凝集素贮存在种子子叶和胚中。The lectin of cottons exist in their cotyledon and embryo.