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苏丹论坛报。Sudan Tribune.

他并不算是一名父母官。He is an unlikely tribune of the people.

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卡斯帕`海德伯格—-国际先驱论坛报Casper Hedberg for the International Herald Tribune

公平讲,论坛报业依旧保留着一些严肃的新闻产业。In fairness, the Tribune still does some serious journalism.

点击此处阅读芝加哥论坛报对波斯纳意见的报道。Click here for the Chicago Tribune piece on Posner’s opinion.

该报纸和瑞格利球场均属芝加哥论坛报公司所有。The newspaper and the stadium are owned by the Tribune Company.

你可以通过德克萨斯论坛上的一片专题文章了解更多。You can read more about it in this article from the Texas Tribune.

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自由报和论坛报同时获得了本地报道大奖。The Free Press and The Tribune both won prizes for local reporting.

中国源码中心网络先锋论坛V1.3.2初学者可参考。Chinese source center network Herald Tribune V1.3.2 beginners reference.

芝加哥先驱报的头条提出了这个问题“该怎样对待这些黑奴呢?”“What’s to Be Done With the Blacks?” asked a headline in The Chicago Tribune.

他们又继续在罗马传教,许多人皈依了基督教,其中包括护民官克劳迪斯。They went on to convert many in Roman society, including the tribune Claudius.

我最近在我的博客里转载了那夫罗佐夫的一些文章。I recently reprinted some articles of Lev Navrozov from World Tribune on my blog.

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昨天晚上,正是凭着这枚徽章,使我得以进入鸟巢的即席记者席。Last night, the badge earned me entrance into the press tribune of the Bird's Nest.

随着纽约论坛报影响力的不断增加,格里利对政治的兴趣也与日俱增。As the Tribune gained more and more power, Greeley became more interested in politics.

在国际前锋论坛报中的一段强调这个过程的效果之一A piece in The International Herald Tribune underlined one of the effects of this process

附和芝加哥论坛报强烈呼吁伊利诺伊州参议员罗兰德。伯瑞斯辞职的声音越来越多。Add the Chicago Tribune to the increasing calls demanding that Illinois Senator Roland Burris' resign.

参赛者绕场一周,然后在场地中央面对主席台列队。The competitors march around the stadium and then form up in the center of the ground facing the tribune.

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论坛报记者阿扎姆艾哈迈德,自由记者阿曼达·马拉佐和杰克·麦卡锡为您报导。Tribune reporter Azam Ahmed and freelance reporters Amanda Marrazzo and Jack McCarthy contributed to this report.

之所以这样安排,一个好处是ESOP体制可以大幅减轻税负。One of the main attractions of this arrangement is that the ESOP structure will bestow huge tax breaks on Tribune.

明尼阿波利斯市明星论坛报的乔克里史丹森在他的部落格里对桑坦那有一个很好的分析。Joe Christensen of the Star Tribune in Minneapolis has a good breakdown of the Johan Santana situation in his blog.