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相反,你可以一时的心血来潮,买花给她一个惊喜。Instead, give on a whim.

他屈意迎合她的要求。He caters to her every whim.

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去买奶油蛋糕的一个突然的怪念头,。A sudden whim to buy a cream cake.

不要草率地开始过渡流程。Don't start the transition on a whim.

我常常突发奇想,在房子里舞蹈。I often dance around the house on a whim.

这是一个对一时兴起说“好的”的好时节。It's a good time to answer "yes" on a whim.

或只是牧师们的私念?Or merely the private whim of a few pastors?

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他有一个突然的怪念头,半夜里散步。He had a sudden whim to take a midnight walk.

人性化的设计,一款两用,随心所欲。The design of human nature, a dual-use , whim.

你是想用一个女人的突发奇想赌一赌你的御座吗?Do you want to wager your throne upon a woman's whim?

因此洛卡德先生一时兴起,寄送了一个匿名的包裹。Lockard sent the package anonymously, just on a whim.

诺贝尔文学奖论功封赏,非评判随心所欲。Nobel Literary Prize Down to Merit, Not Judges' Whim.

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所有人都完全听命于苏丹王,由着他随心所欲。Everyone was entirely subject to the whim of the Sultan.

我们可以根据随意产生的一个念头来决定看什么电影。We could decide what to watch, based on almost any whim.

现在他强迫国会听命于自己的率性政治。Now he is subjecting Parliament to prime-ministerial whim.

如果我们必须工作,我们就会被老板的兴之所至所限制。If we had to work, we would be subject to the whim of bosses.

有时连他们的父母亲也分不清这对孪生子。Since he was an only child, his parents pandered to his every whim.

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⊙、巧思妙想出灵感,实践探索出成果。Think of opportunely whim inspiration, practice exploration results.

一些客户认为你应该完全迎合他们的反复无常。Some clients feel like you exist solely to cater to their every whim.

后来家里的鼓坏了,父亲就改唱皮影戏了。Later, the family is broken drum, sing shadow of his father on a whim.