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她用嘴唇接触杯子。She lipped the cup.

有时候我说漏嘴,也叫它“小淘气”。Occasionally, by now, Is lipped and called him Scampy.

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他注意到一个青年眼睛细成两条缝,嘴唇还塔拉着。He noticed one with narrow-slitted eyes and a loose- lipped mouth.

至于二人密谋了什么,巩晓彬同样三缄其口。As for the two-person conspiracy what, Gong Xiaobin tight- lipped about the same.

她这个人口紧,不会随便乱说话,你尽可以放心。You can rest assured that she will not make any indiscreet remarks as she is tight- lipped.

然而,丑小鸭一样的角色则与陌生人保持五尺半的距离并更为守口如瓶。Ugly-duckling avatars, meanwhile, stayed five and a half feet away from strangers and were more tight- lipped.

在巴西站令人失望的排位赛之后,你非常沉默,不过之后你的脸又是另一种样子。After that disappointing qualifying in Brazil you were very tight lipped , but then your face told a different story.

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以卷边工形构件和普通工形构件为研究对象,从稳定性能和经济性能两方面进行对比。Lipped H-section members and common H-section members are compared in both stability capacity and economic performance.

卷边工形截面构件作为一种高效型材,在弯矩与轴力共同作用下的破坏模型常常是伴随板件局部屈曲的整体失稳。As a new type of structural members, limit strength of lipped H-section members subjected to both compression and bending is studied.

但对于冷弯薄壁槽钢而言,畸变屈曲通常起控制作用。For cold-ormed lipped channel sections, the distortional buckling mode is often the strength-governing mode among the several possible buckling modes.

而翼缘非全部有效的卷边槽钢、Z形钢毫无对称性,使应力分析计算十分复杂。Lipped channel and Z section with compression flange not fully effective, have no more any symmetry, so that their stress analysis become quite complicated.

最后,在大量数值分析结果的基础上,归纳总结出了卷边工形构件在轴向压力作用下的稳定承载力设计公式。Finally, based on a lot of FEA numerical results obtained, the design formulas are obtained for predicting load-carrying capacity of lipped H-members under axial loads.

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而现行冷弯型钢设计规范GB50018-2002采用有效截面法计算受弯构件的屈曲荷载并没有考虑卷边角度的影响,不能合理的进行斜卷边Z型檩条的屈曲荷载设计。But the current specification GB50018-2002 does not consider the effect of lip inclination, hence, it cannot be effectively used in designing inclined lipped Z-section purlins.

哎呀,马尔福,”斯内普说,但他控制不住嘴角露出的淡淡笑容,“邓布利多教授只是暂时被董事会停职了,我敢说他很快就会回到我们中间的。”"Now, now, Malfoy, " said Snape, though he couldn't suppress a thin- lipped smile. "Professor Dumbledore has only been suspended by the governors. I daresay he'll be back with us soon enough.

据悉,利物浦正准备与尤文图斯竞争加布里埃尔·海因策,但是曼联后卫在美洲杯结束之前仍然会对他的去留紧闭双唇。Liverpool are reportedly ready to rival Juventus for the signature of Gabriel Heinze, but the Manchester United defender is remaining tight- lipped about his future until after the Copa America.

这两头母子麋鹿住在机场附近,它们长嘴的同类在阿拉斯加原野上无处不在的骑车道和步道上到处行走。Mother and baby live near the airport, while their protuberantly lipped kin mooch about on the cycling and hiking trails by which the encircling Alaskan wilderness infiltrates and permeates the city.