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只见她背靠着床头板。Her back rested against the headboard.

董事会或小组形式的头部,作为一个床。Headboard – A board or panel that forms the head, as of a bed.

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商标凸印在床头板内侧的金属牌上。The trademark is embossed on a metal plate inside the headboard.

你的头一直撞到床头板你感觉它快要炸开?Your head is knocking the headboard and you feel it might blow off?

一面金属箔片饰面的隔墙替代了床头板原先的位置。A partition surfaced in foil wall covering stands in lieu of a headboard.

考虑只使用床头板来剔除床脚的硬边。Consider just using a headboard to eliminate hard edges at the foot of the bed.

一天晚上,我靠在斯凯勒房间的床头板上,双手环抱着他,他舒服地蜷缩在我两腿之间。One evening I leaned against the headboard on Skyler's bed, my arms wrapped around him.

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用摇臂式的落地灯,或在床头板上安装一个摇臂式壁灯。Use a swing-arm floor lamp instead, or mount a swing-arm wall lamp above the headboard.

今天我养的5周大的小狗在我的脑袋和床头板之间睡着。Today, my 5 week old puppy decided to sleep between my head and the headboard of my bed.

我们觉得木制的床头板跟我们的卧房会较为相配。我们就挑这边这一个。We think a wooden headboard would look nicer in our bedroom. We'd like to take this one over here.

打眼的橙色让床头光彩照人,强调了此款床具设计的生动内涵。Glossy orange paint makes this vintage headboard pop, punctuating the graphic nature of its design.

床头板不用买很贵的,你可以用加班,绵絮和纺织布料自己做一个包层的床头板。Headboards don't have to be expensive. You can make a padded headboard using plywood, batting and fabric.

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在羊毛地毯装饰的主卧室内,尼古拉斯设计的胡桃木茶几与科勒设计的亚麻面床头板相适配。In the wool-carpeted master bedroom, Nicholas's walnut end table accompanies Kollar's linen-upholstered headboard.

预装的床头柜有一个褐色的木制底座,底座上有雕刻的装饰花纹,三个开放式存储格,一个储物箱和一个桅杆。The preassembled headboard has a brown wood base with decorative carvings, three open storage compartments, a storage bin and a mast.

为了好看,充足的储存,移开床头板和床头桌,把东西移到储物柜和架子上。For attractive, ample storage, move out a headboard and night tables and move in a combination of stock cabinets and open shelving units.

新类的创新易于安装和负担得起的床头家具套卧室设计改头换面管理单元的手指容易的。The new class of innovative easy-to-install and affordable headboard slipcovers make bedroom design makeovers a snap-of-the-fingers easy.

他们的图像在许多各自的色的盘区然后喷枪喷射并且被缝合入床头板,在需要超过三个月的过程中。Their image is then airbrushed and sewn into the headboard in dozens of individual coloured panels, in a process that takes more than three months.

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几个台阶通向主卧,以铁皮床头板为特色,创造了几乎僧侣式的卧室,保持原始的质朴地板。Several steps lead to the main bedroom with sheet iron headboard featured to create an almost monastic bedroom with original rustic flooring kept in place.

在巴西这种专门为恋爱中的狗狗开设的小狗汽车旅馆,里面天花板上装有心形的镜子,床头板呈小狗骨头形状。The doggy love motel, complete with a heart-shaped mirror on the ceiling and a headboard resembling a doggy bone, has opened for amorous pooches in Brazil.

除此之外,透过另一扇开着的门,可以看到像是饭店房间里的大床——铺着米黄色的被子,床头板上竖直靠着许多枕头。Beyond that, through another open door, was a large bed made up like the ones in the hotel—a beige comforter, lots of pillows arranged upright against the headboard.