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中国将从利比亚撤退3.3万中国人。China to evacuate 33,000 from Libya.

百万生齿能否紧要撤离?Millions of mesiodens can matter evacuate?

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打开大门,疏散圣彼得广场的人群。Open the doors, evacuate St. Peters square.

如果我对其抽真空,我会得到一根阴极射线管。And if I evacuate it, I have a cathode ray tube.

全体船员,立刻撤离到“方舟天使”号。All hands, evacuate to the Ark Angel immediately.

“在这种情况下,”他说,“我们所能做的只有撤离。”“In that case,” he says, “all you can do is evacuate.

警方正积极疏散山区居民。Police continue to evacuate some foothill neighborhoods.

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这座楼着火了,大家必须立即疏散。This building is on fire, you must evacuate immediately.

因此,我重复一次,如果不能再快的话,应该立刻疏散17号城市。Therefore, I repeat, evacuate City 17 at once if not sooner !

当消防演习开始时,学生们将从大楼里撤出。When the fire drill starts, students will evacuate the building.

中国的消防员帮助学生从学校里转移。Chinese firefighters help students evacuate from a flooded school.

轰炸时,儿童都疏散到乡下去了。The children is evacuate to the country when the city is is bombe.

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告诉全体船员,把太空站的所有人员都撤到“方舟天使”号上。Tell the crew to evacuate everyone on the Station to the Ark Angel.

岩手县的大船渡市政府目前已建议居民撤离。Officials in Ofunato, a city in Iwate, advised residents to evacuate.

准备一个家庭应急箱,以防急时需要撤离。Prepare a family emergency kit in case you need to evacuate the premises.

通常,流产者在从子宫中娩出胎盘时会失败。Sometimes, an abortionist fails to evacuate the placenta from the uterus.

台风快要来了,必须做好一切弃船准备。The typhoon is coming. We'll have to get everything ready to evacuate the rig.

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从周五起,超过67万居民已经被迫撤离了自己的家。More than 670,000 people have been forced to evacuate their homes as of Friday.

他警告说,另外还有几个城镇在未来可能也会被要求进行疏散。He warns that several additional towns might be asked to evacuate in the future.

延平岛上的居民已被告知撤离该岛或躲入掩体避险。Residents living on Yeonpyeong Island have been told to evacuate or take shelter.