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让肉汤熬成浓汁吧。Let the soup simmer.

汤放在火上慢慢煮。The soup am left to simmer.

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慢慢煮完,倒进罐子里。Simmer until ready. Pour in jars.

用小火把汤炖30分钟。Simmer the soup gently for 30 minutes.

然后加入午餐肉和鸡汤慢炖。Add chicken stock and bring to a simmer.

等你平静下来后,我再找你谈一谈吧。I will talk with you after you simmer down.

煮滚,小火煨煮10分钟即可。Boil and reduce heat, simmer for 10 minutes.

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将腩肉放下汁内,加绍酒,改用中慢火炆45分钟。Add pork belly and wine, simmer for 45 minutes.

加入芥末和牛奶然后用文火慢慢煮。Add the mustard and milk and bring to a simmer.

文火煎20分钟,然后将药水滗出。Simmer gently for 20 m then drain the solution.

在厨房里,我炖上一锅蔬菜汤。In the kitchen I set a vegetable soup to simmer.

把火转为小火,盖上锅盖,闷煮20分钟。Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer 20 minutes.

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小火炖15分钟,让所有食料的味道充分混合。Simmer for 15 mins so all the flavours can mingle.

要治口臭症中国家常菜中国家常菜,荔枝与粥炖。To cure halitosis, add litchi to congee and simmer.

煨一下直到调料成为粘稠状。Let it simmer for a while until the sauce is thicken.

加入清鸡汤及调味料后煮20分钟。Add chicken broth and seasoning, simmer for 20minutes.

加入鸡汤和奶油,小火煮大概30分钟。Add the chicken stock and cream and simmer for 30mins.

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继续加工前用2号火炖开即可。Bring just to simmer over 2 burners before continuing.

减弱火力、不断搅拌在弱火煮透。Reduce heat and simmer on low heat until mixture thickens.

加热食物时,应选用慢火炉头以代替焗炉。Use the simmer burner rather than the oven to reheat food.