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提高你的扣除。Raise your deductible.

欢迎乐捐﹐捐款可减免所得税!Donations may be tax deductible.

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这些费用可从利润中扣除。These costs are deductible from profits.

这笔款项可从应征税的公司收入中扣除。The money is deductible from taxable income.

我们的健康保险扣除很够的金额。Very high deductible on our health insurance.

考虑下以低利率来增加你的可扣款。Consider raising your deductible for lower rates.

但是一个家庭贷款的利息是可以抵减的。Interest on a home-equity loan, however, can be deductible.

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您所要求的赔偿限额,免赔额和共保额是多少?What limit of indemnity, deductible and co-insurance are required?

如果您已搬家去接受一份工作,这些搬家费用也可减税。If you have to move to accept a job, those expenses are also deductible.

试着多了解哪些项目是可以减税的。Try to become more educated as far as what types of items are deductible.

首先,保险单中可减免条款越少意味着您付的保费将会很高。First, your premiums will be much higher on a policy with a low deductible.

计算增值额时,有哪些项目允许扣除?What are the permissible deductible items in computing the appreciation value?

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但是,它们可以作为日常必要的业务支出抵扣税。However, they may be tax deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses.

收购子公司贷款利息是否可以抵扣控股公司的利润?Is interest on loans to acquire subsidiaries deductible against HoldCo's profits?

她表示要让英国政治变得“性感而不低俗”,比如减除幼儿家庭的税收。She vowed to make politics "sexy instead of sleazy" -- and make childcare tax deductible.

会员也可以选择预存金额在会员帐号内,以提供运费扣减。Members can also choose the amount of stored Member Account to provide shipping deductible.

第五条公司设立补充医疗保险免赔额。The deductible franchise for the subsidiary medical insurance should be set by the company.

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当他们被要求扣除或上缴税费时,会表示出震惊和恐惧。I have no idea. People express shock and horror when they're hit up for a co-pay or deductible.

您的保险公司将不会履行自己的部分索赔,直到您支付您的免赔额。Your insurance company will not honor its portion of the claim until you've paid your deductible.

在美国,它有时也可能宣布股本贷款利息的扣税。In the United States, it is also sometimes possible to declare the equity loan interest as tax deductible.