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不要金子。No gold.

金拨号盘。Gold dial.

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但是为什么屯的是金子呢?But why gold?

这非杂金的。This is gold.

沉默是金。Silence is gold.

你想要金子吗?Do you want gold?

一颗好心抵得过黄金。Won gold in a kind.

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一群拜金女……A 1 ton gold nugget.

一点儿金子都不要拿。Don't take any gold.

黄金矿主却不。Gold miners are not.

他是一个黄金矿工。He was a gold miner.

金子摸上去好凉。The gold feels cool.

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为什么是黄金和白银呢?Why gold and silver?

笑千金何舍。He laughed gold homes.

但黄金投资者记恨这个。But gold bugs hated it.

金光闪闪的长金链!A big, shiny gold chain!

金子不都能闪亮。All gold is not glitter.

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去参加我的黄金海岸比赛吧!Bring on the Gold Coast!

可以调素琴,阅金经。Can read the meat, gold.

他获得了一枚金质奖章。He has won a gold medal.